Saturday, 30 August 2008

Charlie Wilson's War and living in the moment

We took Pat and Gary, our terrific neighbors who watch Abby when we are away, to Chaffins Barn Dinner Theater, Bad Year for Tomatoes. It was hilarious. Adam Burnette outdid himself with physical comedy. The Tennessee drawled accents, the overweight ladies of the welcome committee who "don't gossip". We laughed non-stop. They came in for a few minutes afterward and as a thank you gave us 3 movies including Charlie Wilson's War about Afghanistan.

Dave and I watched it last night. If you haven't seen this movie, you must. It is the beginning of the Taliban, the end of the Cold War, a preview of the next 50 years. Since it was on DVD we watched every bit including making the movie and interviews with the real characters. If you live in the US and are over 10 years old, watch this movie.

Denize is messaging me this morning. I love this relationship with a granddaughter. I love family and am grateful to God for providing me with one.

Lots of calls for prayer this morning. Talked to one person and found myself saying to not focus on the empty salt shaker when there is an entire banquet table before you. God is pouring forth infinite good. There is abundant goodness. Let's not focus on past failure or the one thing that is missing. Let's see all the good that is provided for us.

Focus on the present, what good and inspiration God is revealing to you this moment. Let's drop the baggage of the past. Whatever isn't good in the past is like baggage. Unless you pick it up and carry it, it can't walk along behind you.

Every hour drop the baggage from the past hour. Don't take negative thoughts, feelings, and impressions with you. At the end of each day, make sure you drop negative baggage and refuse to take it with you into a new day. This is a good habit to cultivate.

When you are carrying baggage your hands are not open to accept the good gifts that God has for you today. When you drop the baggage your hands are ready to grab all the good opportunities. You are more receptive. You are looking for good and seeing more of the good that God is providing. When we are thinking about the past, we miss the blessings that are going on right now in the present.

So take a stand for living in the moment. Today is big with blessings.

Friday, 29 August 2008

My granddaughter

Denize who is 13 just spent 4 days with us. What a delight! She is so enthusiastic, guileless, and interacts without self-consciousness. I learn a lot from her. At Coriolanus, her first Shakespeare play, if you can imagine, she didn't complain about the language or the confusion of the plot. Later she told her dad you catch on to the language and described the high points, like how Coriolanus died spitting blood. How did they do that?!? (confetti, but I didn't tell her)

She is so humble. I'm using her for my model on how to be humble. She is so good natured. She asks, and if the answer is no, she smiles and says I thought so. I want to be like that.

I might be introducing her to plays and to a wider world, but she is giving me a greater gift - uncomplicated simplicity. I want to grow up to be just like her.

I love you Denize.

Prisoner released

A long term prisoner was awarded parole today! She had applied and been rejected last spring when her sister asked me to pray. She was again rejected a month or so ago, but was given one more hearing this week. What occurred to me as I prayed for her was not to pray for her release but to pray that everyone would see what was best for society. The parole board is charged with blessing society. I didn't know what was best for society, her release or remaining, but I knew God did know.

The entire day of the parole hearing, I had the clearest feeling of the parole board's honestly and humbly seeking God's guidance for what was the best for society-- the prison population and for the general population. God communicated to the board, and the answer was, she will be released. I'm grateful for her spiritual progress and the other healings that have taken place along the way.

A lump was healed. A rash was healed. There were other physical healings with her, too many to remember. She would contact me through her sister. We would pray together once a week, and she would be healed. She is very receptive to God's Word.

Every right idea is a blessing to the individual and to all humankind. Christ transforms every heart and thought.

Progress is law of God

Getting my driver's license was fun today. Last time it was two hours, huge crowds. I was dreading it. This time we walked in, input the info into a computer, had the picture taken and took the finished license in minutes. I love the picture too! Have on my $2 Ecuadorian earrings from Otavalo. They are pink and turquoise woven circles. My favs.

We ate at my favorite restaurant, Calypso Cafe, sitting outside in the 90 degree heat with a breeze. Heaven!

Had a delightful talk with Star, my daughter-in-law. What a gem she is! She is researching jobs and praying to move forward with her life. I see such progress. Two years ago she had so little self-confidence and was glad to find any job working as a home aide. Now she values herself more and sees she is worth more than $7.43 an hour. Good things are going to happen for her because she is opening her thought to the possibilities. The first step is always knowing that we deserve and can achieve good.

Starting this blog

For years I've recorded healings in notebooks for awhile, then got too busy praying and healing, stopped recording. The notebooks will get lost. No one else can read them. What good is that!

Then I read about grandkids wanting to know about their grandparent's life. I thought of the hundreds of healings and neat things that happen every day in my life, and thought I'd like to record it.

When I get opportunities, I'm going to post healings and other good events, and maybe some of the challenges.

I hope this blesses people for years to come. Every day is an expression of God's goodness.

Healing today Aug 29 2008

A little boy twisted his ankle. He called with his dad and was able to go to school the next day. Two days later all the pain and problem had completely disappeared. He'd been reticent to talk to me but called on his own to thank me. God is good!

A woman called who had an ongoing dispute with contractors dragging out for months. Her life was in disarray and she was depressed. Within an hour of calling me, the contractor dispute took a positive turn, and she started engaging with people. She called back sort of stunned. She said she'd been praying for years, I pray for an hour and everything turns around. Why was that?!? I'm laughing here. It's so important to put aside human will, your own personal views, in order to be receptive to God. God was talking to her all along. I just helped her mentally to listen and be willing to accept the love of Christ into her life.