Friday 29 August 2008

Prisoner released

A long term prisoner was awarded parole today! She had applied and been rejected last spring when her sister asked me to pray. She was again rejected a month or so ago, but was given one more hearing this week. What occurred to me as I prayed for her was not to pray for her release but to pray that everyone would see what was best for society. The parole board is charged with blessing society. I didn't know what was best for society, her release or remaining, but I knew God did know.

The entire day of the parole hearing, I had the clearest feeling of the parole board's honestly and humbly seeking God's guidance for what was the best for society-- the prison population and for the general population. God communicated to the board, and the answer was, she will be released. I'm grateful for her spiritual progress and the other healings that have taken place along the way.

A lump was healed. A rash was healed. There were other physical healings with her, too many to remember. She would contact me through her sister. We would pray together once a week, and she would be healed. She is very receptive to God's Word.

Every right idea is a blessing to the individual and to all humankind. Christ transforms every heart and thought.

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