Thursday, 26 March 2009

Ringwood feedback

Lecture was good. Very simple ideas, but obviously Elise's deep understanding made her simple conveyance of these ideas easy to grasp.It was a nicely segmented presentation. By this I mean it had a sense of continuity and flow without labouring on any one point to long. It was great to hear her testimonies which were such clear examples of God speaking to us. She then logically followed these examples with a systematic approach to prayer - how to "tune out the static" which gets in the way of our spiritual sense. She then finished nicely by relating the ideas she was sharing to the Bible and S+H by showing their practical applicability.

Elise was a very direct, "strong" speaker. Straight down the line. As a lecture is intended for the public, I thought this lecture topic and its presentation were great in that the ideas shared didn't seem out of reach and were broadly applicable to anyone or situation. The whole point of the lecture was God is speaking to you, you just have to listen.Hope this doesn't fall into the book

cheers mate.

----- Original Message -----From: "Simon : "Josh"

Glad you could make the lecture…unlike me. Fortunately I at least had afternoon tea with Elise as my gig finished a little early.

Listen, can you give me some feedback on the lecture? What did you think? Don’t write me a book just some thoughts.

Sunday, 22 March 2009

Melbourne Australia

Elise Moore
ID 20792 3/22/2009 2pm

Total: 100
Newcomers: 20

They filled with Sunday School room in their church. There were only a few seats in the front not taken and people were sitting outside the door in the entryway who arrived as we were beginning. The comment was that this was the most people they had come to a lecture in awhile.

A woman said that she helped a young man overcome wanting to commit suicide. This was the day before the lecture prep. All the metaphysical work she was doing for the lecture contributed to what she told him.

I had an instantaneous healing at this lecture. At the very beginning of the lecture, just as I thanked the introducer and was about to say that we were going without microphone and could everyone hear…I lost my voice! Poof. So I croaked to no one in particular that a glass of water would be nice. Someone ran off. I turned to the introducer and said now would be a good time for him to do a comedy routine, sort of filling the space. My husband and I were both working. I denied animal magnetism. The water came, I took a drink and just decided to plunge on. The intro was croaky but after a couple minutes the voice came back and whenever it started to waiver I’d know it was the Christ message speaking, no personality involved. That took care of the problem and we were all grateful. No one mentioned it afterward, as only the Christ message was heard, received or remembered.

A woman came up to me afterward quite emotional saying everything I’d said applied to her that it was spooky actually. The lecture had touched her deeply and we talked about some personal things.

Several people asked me personal questions and I’d give them a Bible quote or remind them of something from the lecture.

There were a few children and teens there, perhaps 6.

A few of the guests were touched by the lecture. I was told afterward that it was a healing that one guest came who has been resistant to coming into church. Another person said their guest was crying at the end, that it spoke right to them.

There was lots of good participation. Interestingly a couple of people spoke out during the lecture when participation usually isn’t involved. One woman raised her hand and it came to me to acknowledge her. This happens from time to time and I don’t always acknowledge the person. But she wanted to say that it kept coming to her that this was all about gratitude and she wanted to share that thought. It was appropriate and very meaningful to her, so I just wove it into the next remarks and kept going. Then another woman sort of burst out at one point saying, I had an experience like that and told how her son’s life was saved by a stranger listening to an intuition to not move his car. It was appropriate and fit right into the lecture. So I thanked them and worked it into the next story I was telling. I was grateful that everyone was so involved and comfortable. The committee talked to me afterward about this and although it was unusual for them and had never happened at a lecture before they thought it was fine because I thought it was fine and made it part of the lecture experience.

Simon invited me back already. He began talking about what they might do next year. So we'll see. I'd told Dave I didn't want to travel abroad next year but it's been such a lovely time here, I told Simon if he wanted to put together a tour I'd be happy to come back. We'll see what Love has in Mind.

Saturday, 21 March 2009

Dandenong Range

At 8:30 this morning a wonderful birder Joan Broadberry picked us up and drove us to this gorgeous mountain range. It has cute little towns poked amidst the trees, like the mountains outside of San Diego. We started birding at a park where cockatoos, crimson rosella parrots and rose-breasted cockatoos (otherwise known as galahs) literally swarmed the area. The park service puts out special seed for them and the birds completely ignored us as they ate breakfast. We walked right up to them. Amazing!!!

The Crimson Rosella parrots are gorgeous red with multi-colors around the tail and body. If you can find bird photos on the internet it would be worth checking them out, and the Galahs. They are so beautiful. Then we walked through this soaring forest of ash trees that are second only to the redwoods of California. Mammoth trees, but mainly second growth now because of fires in the 1930s. The fires around Melbourne have devastated the habitats. This is one of the few if not the only habitat remaining for a hundred miles. The scope of the fires is impossible to conceive of until you talk to people who know entire families that were lost. The winds reversed course and swept over towns in minutes. People had sprinklers on their roofs and still were overwhelmed without warning. It is almost incomprehensible and our heart goes out to each and every person here.

Back in the forest, we saw the lyrebird, this large forest creature with a tail that looks like a large fern branch. It is silent, but we saw one a couple times right by the trail before it fled into the fern underbrush.

Then we saw a wallabee. Our first kangaroo. It was a small fellow with cute little rounded ears. Dave snapped a couple photos before he hopped off. More wonderful birds and a great hike in the woods. Then we picnicked in another lovely spot. By now the temperatures were soaring. It got to 100 centigrade or 37 celsius. We moved on to a park, Jells Park, where there is a little stream and lake. Birded along the stream and saw a Superb Fairy Wren with some of the iridescent blue on the face and tail of the male. Also a yellow robin, much smaller than our robin and with a bright yellow breast, and a red-browed firetail – whose name sort of describes the bird fairly well. We heard a Bell Myna, this ringing sound sort of like a bellbird of the tropics, but it’s a myna. Finally tracked down a lek of them and saw one clear as a bell, smile. Saw wonderful ducks, a Gray Teal and Chestnut Teal. The heat was draining and we were grateful there was a “Tea House” in Jells Park. We sat for at least half an hour in the shade drinking water and talking, while Dave visited with a lady that had an Australia cattle dog like Abby only longer hair. We ended up at home, happy campers at about 5:30. It was a marvelous day out.

Joan was a high school teacher, taught economics and accounting. We talked politics and swapped views. It’s interesting the news they get and don’t get here about the US. She’s retired and very involved in nature groups here as well as orchid and other groups. Done an immense amount of travelling to Sri Lanka, Papau New Guinea, Kenya, Tanzania, and other places that we’ve wondered about travelling to. She is a wealth of information. After talking with her we dropped New Guinea from our list and added Sri Lanka. She says the birding is exquisite and so easy to do. She’s going to New Zealand next week and we’re going to be in roughly the same places. But she’s going birding and I’m going lecturing, so don’t think our paths will cross. Her husband is going to London soon and we recommended he see Wicked. Loved that play, if you get the opportunity definitely worth the money.

We saw perhaps 32 species during the entire day but wonderful looks and great habitat. It was a joy just to experience this mountain range and we’ve made a new friend. Hopefully she and her husband will come and stay with us in Tucson or Nashville and you will get to meet them.

Lecture is tomorrow.

More feedback from Ft Walton Beach FL

Two months prior to our lecture, we had a lecture planning meeting, including ideas and print outs from Mrs. Moore. Then we had two metaphysical meetings, again passing out printed material from Mrs. Moore. At these meeting we encouraged members to write out and speak of ideas of how they individually approached a lecture, what they expected of the lecture, and what we could do to make it a success. There were many fine ideas of how different ones prayed for the lecture. Also ideas of how we approach members of the community with our invitations.

In discussing the best ways to invite our friends to the lecture, it was decided that a personal note be attached. Something to let the individual know that we are really interested in him or her, coming.

One of our committee members visited three Assisted Living Residences with information, flyers, and sign up sheets for transportation. We did not have any attending from these facilities this time. However, we intend to keep inviting these folks, so we'll do better next time.

One member sent out about 55 invitations, and 70 % of them came to the lecture. She invited them with floral notes and a hand written note inside, rather than our printed invitations. Another member sent out about 30 invitations. Only two came to the lecture. But they were former members who had dropped out of church some time ago. One of them is returning for church services. The other former member is in contact with the church member.

We used both radio and newspaper for advertisement.

The day before the lecture, we had a very inspiring Lecture Preparation meeting conducted by Mrs. Moore. It was lively. She engaged us in questions and answers, many took notes, and it truly prepared our thought for the receptivity of all attending the lecture.

A gentleman who had attended many lectures, said that this was the best lecture he had ever heard. He felt one of the things that made it so special was Mrs. Moore greeting people in the foyer of the church before the lecture. Also, that she stood on the floor of the auditorium rather than on the platform. It was also very effective that she used white boards to illustrate a point. We heard many comments like this.

One of our new attendees of church came back down the aisle after the lecture with tears running down her cheeks. This was her first lecture. She said that she was so thrilled with the truth of Christian Science.

From our membership of 20 members, we had 55 attending, with about 10 newcomers.

Two weeks after our lecture, we a lecture fruitage meeting. It was very inspiring, and everyone felt really good about the whole lecture experience.

I am sure we will have continued fruitage from this lecture. it was and is a continuous process. Mrs. Moore surely did her work, and our congregation and community is so very grateful.

- First Church of Christ, Scientist

Feedback from Ft Walton Beach FL

Dear Elise, Hopefully, (prayerfully) you, as well as the Board of Lectureship will receive my e-mail. We had such a marvelous response to your lecture. How do you say "thank you?" Your Lecture Prep meeting was outstanding. The whole 2 days was just perfect. You will be able to read my comments to TMC below. Well, THANK YOU. from the bottom of our hearts. Lovingly, Barbara

Thursday, 19 March 2009


We just had a wonderful two days in Cairnes. Went birding with Del Richardson, a local ornithologist who has his own weekly call in radio show to help people identify the birds they are seeing. Our best spot was the cemetery! Saw the smallest parrot in Australia, a double-eyed fig parrot with all the colors of the rainbow. It was so close Dave had to back up to get a photo. Saw the Rainbow Honeyeater, another stunning bird. Then a big footed chicken like thing ran through, orange footed something or other. Another great spot was watching a farmer plow his field. Four unusual crows congregated, a rarely seen grass owl was dislodged and flew away, four raptors including the Australian kestrel and a sea eagle flew over to see what was being uncovered. The farmer came over after awhile. He has relatives in the US and has been to Memphis looking for Elvis. Invited us to drive by his house and check the ponds in back. We saw a stunning crimson finch, think dipped in cherry sauce. Oh my, a female, a male and a young male all flew past us at various points. Then saw a rare pygmy duck, a group of them were hanging out. Saw a nifty white-faced heron fly off as well. It was just a wonderful day walking in various parks and forests, walking beside streams and over little waterfalls, seeing a turquoise snake extended on a branch over the path, the biggest spider web and spider I’ve ever seen – called a golden spider for the color of its web. And it is golden. We saw it shimmer in the sun. Met some local birders on the Esplanade which extends for a couple miles in front of Cairnes. Nice group of guys, enjoyed showing us a lost Laughing Gull. It was a new bird for Del.

Then today we spent the day at the Great Barrier Reef. I went snorkeling around an island. Great fish. Then we spent 4 hours out on a platform. Went on a submersible ride and saw a green turtle, very unusual to see on a half hour ride. Lots of amazing coral and fish. It was tremendous. Then they have a tube you can walk through under the platform. This one fish was so huge it was bigger than the divers. Kept coming around and wanted to be petted if you can believe it. Also saw giant clams, think 4 foot across. Again lots of wonderful fish just swam by. Did some bird watching saw a few Brown Boobies, terns and something that looks like a Brown Noddy. Have to check it when we get home. Gorgeous day. It would rain for 10 minutes and then clear up again. The boat ride was exquisite. Food was great. It’s been a fabulous four days. Now back to work!

Love to you all,
Elise and Dave

Monday, 16 March 2009

Sydney Australia

What a great first day! We had breakfast near the train station, went to McDonald's for the free internet and on to the Chinese Gardens. A beautiful peaceful place with ravens, ibis, myna, ducks, need that bird book I left at home. But made extensive notes. Arrived at Darling Harbour just as the right boat was about to pull out. They held it for us. What an amazing tour! The day was perfect, azure skies, no wind, no waves. Saw the circular quay got off for lunch at the Rocks. Found the perfect place where I had lamb with mint sauce and salad in a tiny park, quiet and off the main street. Ah shades of Munich.

Then we got on the boat and on to Walton's gap or something like that. We got off and walked to the top of the hill for magnificent views of the Pacific and the cliffs. Oh my. Saw more birds. We saw that gorgeous lorikeet first by the fountains on the way to the harbour. Then again here.

Got ice cream and just made the boat, which was early. We ran and popped right on. Perfect timing. The whole day was perfect timing. Went back to the Chinese Gardens and sat for an hour enjoying the evening birds. Saw a lizard right beside us. Peaceful, beautiful place. Then back to the harbour for a lovely water side dinner in a charming restaurant. I had scallops and salad. Absolutely exquisite. Watched the boats and the ferries and the students. Walked on home. Did the internet thing and voila! A perfect first day. God is infinite good and ordered this day without any planning on our part.

Sunday, 15 March 2009

Feedback from chat

Dear Elise:

Just finished dinner while listening to your recent audio chat on Those chats are such good company while eating. Love them!

Your visit with Rosalie Dunbar was so tender and perceptive. I think the spiritual preparation and prayer you put into the broadcast was most apparent, and I know it blessed, and will continue to bless many people, besides give them some excellent ideas to put into practice (focus on NOW and Ps. 37 which were meaningful to me).

Sharon may have told you this, but when we went through class, Bill Lee had an old fashioned alarm clock standing on his desk. Each hour was covered with colorful clips from magazines/newspapers saying "NOW." In other past, no future, but only the everpresent now.

I think how that concept has helped me over the past 30 years since my husband said he didn't love me anymore and wanted out of the marriage. What was one of the most heartbreaking and devastating blows in my life required me to grow even closer to God. While progressing our of fear and a lack of confidence, came the opportunity to develop a meaningful and wonderful business career, post-grad education, and fabulous experiences and friendships that never would have come about otherwise. My children have gone on to have successful marriages and precious families as well. "Loss IS gain."

Thank you for your continued support on the subject of companionship. Interestingly enough, over the past three days, three separate people have mentioned that they wanted me to meet someone they knew who is single.. That hasn't occurred much over these years at all. I was just thrilled to know people were thinking of me as a potential "friend" for someone they knew!! That's evidence of the prayer in action! We'll see what unfolds.

My recent payment is in the mail. Much love and gratitude for your dedication and inspiration.

Sue S.

Thursday, 12 March 2009

McAllen fruitage

Thank you for all your love and Spiritual guidance which made this lecture a success. You are always an inspiration to me and I know you were to everyone else too. I especially appreciated all the personal suggestions, stories and insight you shared with me. You gave me a completely different and positive concept on what I used to think of as "average" C.S. lecturers. Trudy and I sincerely enjoyed the time you spent with us. Evelia and Lupita were overflowing with excitement from your Spanish lecture in Brownsville!

If I can ever be of help to you or anyone in regard to the preparation or advertising for a Spanish or English lecture, since I have "done it all", I would be happy to share my experiences. I know you will have some rewarding experiences in Australia and I look forward to hearing about them sometime.

Much love

Fruitage from Univ of Southern Florida lecture

University of Central Florida (Orlando) Classroom Talk
Lecturer: Elise L. Moore, C.S.B.
Class: Religion & Medicine
February 10, 2009

This is the second year in a row that a Christian Science lecturer has been a guest speaker for the Religion and Medicine class at University of Central Florida (UCF) as part of joint Orlando/Longwood lecture activities.
Twenty-nine students were in attendance for the class. The instructor had asked that they prepare for the talk by going on-line to and reading Chapter XIV, Recapitulation, from Science and Health. Two members of the lecture committees from Longwood and Orlando who are also students at UCF, attended the talk to distribute Bibles, Science and Healths, video the question and answer session, and to provide other support to Elise as needed.
The talk presented by Elise was “The Christianity of Christian Science”. She focused on the Biblical foundations of Christian Science for the first half of the talk. The students were each provided with a copy of the King James Version of the Bible at the beginning of the class. Students were asked to look up references she referred to and participate by reading the verse(s) aloud. For the second half of the talk, a copy of Science and Health was provided to each student to refer to. Students were encouraged to ask questions while Elise was presenting. All of the students were very attentive and there was good participation among the several who volunteered to read aloud the references.
The formal talk lasted a little over an hour. Following a short break, a question and answer period followed for another hour. The questions (see following page) were thoughtful and showed a genuine interest in the ideas shared during the talk. One misperception of the instructor about Christian Science that was corrected by the talk was that Science and Health was “the Bible” for our church. She relayed this to Elise following the talk and was happy to hear about the Biblical foundations upon which Christian Science is based.
At the end of class, students were invited to keep the books that had been distributed:
9 Bibles and 19 Science and Healths were kept by the students. They were also provided with bookmarks that had information about Orlando and Longwood church services and Reading Rooms, the Sunday Christian Science Sentinel radio program, and website resources on Christian Science.

Questions Asked:
1. What is the difference between Christianity and Christian Science?
2. Is what you do similar to Benny Hinn, the televangelist?
3. At what point will a Christian Scientist use medical intervention?
4. Why does it [Christian Science healing] have to be either/or – why not both?
5. So Christian Scientists don’t follow recommended yearly checkups for health?
6. (Follow-up to Q. 5) So do they take responsibility for their own actions towards their health, such as diet, etc.?
7. There was a publicized case of an 11-yr old non-Christian Scientist child who died because the parents didn’t seek medical treatment, what do you say about that?
8. If illness and sickness are illusion or fear, what about children who are born ill?
9. If a person who is a Christian Scientist dies and is 80 years old, is it considered a failed attempt?
10. (Regarding the experience related of a Christian Scientist in a hospital who was in a coma and for the first 3 days only roused when a Christian Science practitioner and a certain nurse spoke with her) Why wasn’t the arousal from the coma permanent when it first happened?
11. If there have been so many healings, why haven’t more people jumped on the bandwagon?
12. Is fear of sharing faith, healing a cultural thing?
13. Can other denominations incorporate Christian Science?
14. Other religions, like Jehovah’s Witnesses, don’t believe in routine blood transfusions, surgery, etc. What is the Christian Science view?
15. The germ theory of disease was just being discovered about the same time as Mary Baker Eddy was writing Science and Health. Do you think she would change what she wrote now that society “knows” germs are an actual cause?
16. Is matter seen as wrong, evil, since it isn’t permanent?
17. (Referring to the Scientific Translation of Mortal Mind on p.115 in Science & Health) The 1st phase, why it doesn’t have to do with matter – it’s all focused on qualities.
18. If not matter, what does it have to do with sickness?
19. If God is good, what’s God’s purpose of creating Satan, hell?
20. What if you’re in hell forever and ever?
21. What was Mary Baker Eddy’s take on Darwin’s evolution?
22. How do you view disease as being part of the creative process, as it makes way for evolution?
23. Do you take the Bible literally?
24. (Follow-up to Q. 23) How do you know what’s inspired?
25. Do you take Noah’s ark literally, that it really happened or is it just a story?
26. Does Christian Science take political stands?
27. Is healing more reliant on the healer or the person being healed?

Fruitage from Longwood Orlando lecture

Elise Moore ID 20189 2/10/2009 6:00-6:50 pm & 2/12/2009 7.30pm GOD IS ON THE JOB 1ST LONGWOOD & ORLANDO FL University of Central Florida & RDV Sportsplex, Baseline Rm

Metaphysical ideas that inspired your lecture planning.

Ø The lecture group was very inclusive and open as they prayed about this activity. This led to important contributions from regular church attendees (non-members) and a more thorough search for new venues.

Ø Encouraged by Elise to approach neighbors and community members “who are spiritually minded” we asked a business professional from the financial industry to introduce our “international Christian speaker”. He readily agreed and stayed throughout the entire lecture (and pitched in to set up more chairs when we ran out of seats!). Speaking with him a few weeks later, he continues to say how much he got out of the lecture and what an honor it was to do the introduction.

Healings (before, during, and after the lecture).

Ø We had a strong desire to hold a talk at one of the classes at the University of Central Florida. This was well received the previous year.

Two members had been trying to communicate with the professor of a Religion and Medicine class since early Fall. We set up everything for the public lecture and did not release the lecturer from the two dates. Five weeks before the lecture date, with fliers and invitations set to go to print, the professor contacted our liaisons about the email from 3-months prior! The professor was very interested in having another talk about Christian Science in her class. Unfortunately, the class only met on the night we had scheduled our public lecture. With 20 minutes to go until the end of the business day contact was made with the venue to change the room to a different date (which had not been available initially) and to determine if our radio and print advertising could be revised. The answers were all YES!

Next, we needed to contact the Board of Lectureship regarding announcements in the CSPS periodicals. They immediately contacted the publisher and the response was, “Today was the day it (the copy) was supposed to go to the printer but was delayed until tomorrow.” The change was complete!

Ø During the talk:
· At the prep meeting on spiritual healing, the lecturer spoke about seeing or identifying individuals through the qualities and spiritual attributes they reflect. At the lecture we had a woman who was unable to control her coughing and stepped outside the room, but could still hear the lecture message. A couple hostesses quietly prayed with the ideas from the prep meeting. As they held to the spiritual qualities reflected by the woman (poise, dominion, patience, beauty, calmness, e.g.) the coughing stilled and she returned to the room.

Ø Following the talk:
· One individual told of a very quick healing she had by applying the truths that were shared by the lecturer. This person fell while taking an evening walk and injured her knee. She prayed with the idea that “God hadn’t fallen and therefore she hadn’t fallen – that God wasn’t hurt so she couldn’t be hurt!” She was immediately able to get up and walk and by morning she was completely free.
· Another person told of how she had diligently studied notes she had taken from both the metaphysical meeting and the public talk and was able to resolve a difficult financial situation with a family member.
· Someone else shared that during the week following the lectures she had experienced three very quick healings – two grandsons were healed of the symptoms of the flu and she, herself, was instantaneously healed of severe burns on her fingers when she picked up a pan top that had been sitting on a red hot burner. She, too, worked with the idea that “God had not been burned and therefore, as God’s reflection or image she had not been burned – that God could not be in pain, and therefore, she could not be in pain.” When her son asked if she was injured, she was able to reply, “I was healed!”
· A church member shared, “I am grateful for Elise’s example of starting a discussion (lecture) of Christian Science with a strong lead-in from the Bible. Yesterday when the Jehovah’s Witness came to my door I was able to welcome them in and felt prepared to listen and exchange with two dear men. We shared many Biblical passages/insights. The one man acknowledged that I knew my Bible well. There at my table by the door was a paperback Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures boldly on the front jacket. I shared how Mrs. Eddy loved the Bible so much that Science & Health is permeated with references to it, and, as a matter of fact, devoted two full chapters to an in-depth study of Genesis and the Apocalypse. As our respectful conversation concluded I accepted their publication even though they would not accept the copy of Science & Health offered to them. BUT they DID accept The Christian Science Monitor as a daily newspaper. Under the masthead it gives the website ( ) and that resource could lead them to investigate further. One man did know of Christian Science/Mary Baker Eddy and said he would look her up again in one of his reference books. I encouraged him to use authorized resources for information on her. He agreed and said that many people had misconceptions of his faith, too, by what others had written that were not factual. Anyway, it was a good conversation and I felt any preconceived notions they had were well addressed.
· Upon greeting a hostess-friend at the lecture, a class-taught Christian Scientist shared that her husband had been hospitalized earlier in the day as the result of a serious industrial accident. The Christian Science practitioner on the case told her that she was planning to attend the lecture that evening. As it worked out, the hospital staff suggested that the woman leave her husband’s side to take a dinner break and return later for a conference. This allowed time for the Christian Scientist to attend most of the lecture. After being uplifted by the message of the talk, she returned to the hospital with her Bible to study the quotations from Psalms and Ephesians shared by the lecturer. She says that she also stayed steadfast with “Be still and know that I am God”; “Wait patiently for divine Love to move upon the still waters”; and, “God is All-in-All”, while her husband underwent plastic surgery the following day. Now one week after the lecture she is happy to report that dire predictions were overcome and that he is being released from the hospital this weekend. She is extremely grateful to our Father-Mother God.
· In an instance of response to the marketing for the lecture, a call came from a computer student at the nearby Maitland campus of Seminole Community College asking if there would be another talk as she saw the bulletin after the scheduled date of the lecture. She was told that there will be two talks in the weeks coming up and will be sent information by mail as well as by email. She was willing to travel a short distance to attend these talks. She also expressed sincere interest in attending a church service as she is a single mom of four and is searching for a church home.

Conversations members had with newcomers.

Information about how people found out about your lecture (interviews, ads, personal invitations).

Ø Postings on Facebook
Ø Postings on free web sites (especially those focused on neighborhoods near our church and venue)
Ø Tag-line after local broadcast of Sentinel Radio
Ø CSPS print and on-line
Ø calendar of events
Ø Local community events listings on television
Ø Free advertising in newspapers
Ø Personal invitations (the most effective, by far!)
Ø Fliers and post-card sized invitations

Creative ideas, fresh insights, or things you learned.

Ø This was a very active, public venue so in order to stand out, hosts/hostesses were stationed throughout the parking area, entrances, and corridors wearing tags with the name of the talk, “GOD is On the Job!” The design complemented our fliers and invitations. We also used some magnetic nametags with programmable LED scrolls. These read, “GOD is on the Job! As me how.” They were definite ‘eye-catchers!

Ø Elise uses her web site to share resources and this was a terrific help! For example, sources to buy banners, how to create a calendar of events, samples of invitations, press releases, and so on. Please encourage more lecturers to do this.

Ø Several people commented on how freeing it was to approach neighbors, friends, and colleagues from a different standpoint. Instead of inviting someone based on a known need or physical challenge, Elise emphasized extending an invitation based on the recognition of someone’s principle-based life, their practice and/or search for a spiritually-based life.

Ø Provide paper for participants to take notes.

Ø Elise insisted that we offer a calendar of events as a hand-out. Not only was this a practical step for attendees, it was a reminder to all of us how active the message of Christian Science is throughout the country!

Ø Another handout was a bookmark showing all the times of church and Sunday School services, Reading Room hours, Sentinel Radio broadcast, and web addresses for local, regional, and national resources about Christian Science.

Ø After the talk, be sure to make available copies of some of the lecturer’s published articles. These were highly sought after!

Ø Consider having a few resources available in other languages that may be prevalent in the community. We provided a few Spanish editions of Science & Health, Heralds, and calendars of events.

Resources you found helpful from the Board of Lectureship (Web pages, Lecture/Publicity Consultant, Lecture prep meeting).

Ø Everyone commented on how much they enjoyed the opportunity to work with the lecturer at a face-to-face meeting the week of the talk.

Ø Having the web site and calendar of events was terrific. Students at our classroom talk were directed to in order to be prepared.

Ø It was interesting to work with a lecturer who firmly challenged us to approach this activity with new perspectives; to break out of the routine that “binds”. This stimulated thought and activity.

Ø Elise was very specific with needs to be addressed daily from a metaphysical basis. Having the entire church family praying about these needs, nudging folks with reminders, and sharing insights and inspiration with each other at our planning meetings was vital to the success of the talks.

Information about total number of attendees and newcomers.

Ø 168, including an estimated 25 newcomers

Anything else you want to share.

Ø For communities with Christian Science nursing facilities nearby, please consider ways to include them. The Administrator and Head Nurse from a nearby Christian Science Nursing Facility arranged a wheelchair transport service to bring 6 patients and 2 nurse staff members to the lecture. The vehicle available was not able to carry everyone and a wheelchair, so the Administrator drove the others.

The cost of the van was not budgeted but paid for by the nursing department. Until they are able to purchase a van, the facility has asked if churches sponsoring the lecture might consider including the cost of this wheelchair transport service in their lecture budget. The cost for the appropriate size of van would be approx $350.

The practicality of holding a lecture at the facility is quite costly and everyone said, “they loved getting out and meeting others and of course, having a presence at the public lecture presentation. It was the churches' gracious, loving sense of inclusion that rounded out this activity. The experience of these patients proved the importance for these dear ones to take an active part in church activity. They had not attended a lecture in two years.”

Ø Arrangements were made for a classroom talk at University of Central Florida. Twenty-nine students in this Religion and Medicine class prepared for the talk by going on-line to and reading the Chapter Recapitulation in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy. Elise Moore spoke about an hour and then opened it up for a lively Q & A session that lasted 45 minutes to an hour. Please see the attached summaries provided by representatives attending the classroom talk from each church.

Prior to this talk, members signed up to take one hour on the day of the talk to provide specific metaphysical prayer in support of the activity and receptivity of the message.

Ø Don’t limit organizational and planning meetings to a committee or small group of members. Open up participation from your entire church family.

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Feedback on chat

I thought the chat today was wonderful. The topic could have been on your individuality and I found it very helpful.
Talk to you soon.

Harassment chat

Excellent chat! I think I’ll listen one more time when it is available. Past memories, employer/employee power issues, drinking, friendships and having fun – you must have touched thousands if not millions!

Thank you!

With love,

Thursday, 5 March 2009

So much good in Spanish

This is one of those days where so much good is going on. I decided to keep record some of the blessings as they occur today. I'm so tired I just want to go to sleep for awhile. The last night in Mexico I only slept for an hour or two. I'd had a coffee at 9pm and obviously it wasn't decaf. We left at 8:30am arrived in the US at 3:30pm. I took a nap for an hour and did the lecture prep at McAllen, church service where I translated two beautiful testimonies from Lupita about her son being safe in Iraq and Cristina about how beautifully the lecture at the penal went. then talked with Jackie until 10pm. Two people from Mexico had come to the Reading Room. He'd forgotten to tell us before. One woman wants to start a Christian Science group in Monterrey. I've sent Lupita and Cristina all the informacion.

Then I received a message from Juan Pablo. I was led by divine Love to send Laura a message and then to check her friend list where I found him and sent him a message late last night. I stayed up until 12:30am answering emails. He sent an excited message. He's a grad student at Columbia U in NYC. I'm lecturing in NYC! God is bringing us together for good. We'll see what good comes from this.

Then I received a message from Rachel Crandall about Panama. Result is she has 3 people studying Christian Science among Embera, and I offered and she asked if I could arrange more Heralds to be sent. I'm working on it right now with Enrique. When I called csps to find out about full text, got Penelope who speaks Spanish! This is God's work putting us all together. She sent a message, but I think I'm going to call Sandy Waller.

Then God gave me the heart and inspiration to subscribe to 6 more Sentinels and to give a Sentinel to one person each day to save people from ignorance. The same inspiracion is to get 30 subscriptions for the Herald to save and heal Spanish speakers. Well I've made 4 phone calls and they don't know what to do with this request. We shall see. Just talked with Kelly head of RR subscriptions to get me back with a Reading Room number so I can do bulk orders.

Couldn't get Sandy, will let the Full Text go and just work on Spanish Heralds.

I finally got the right person for bulk ordering Sp Heralds and Sentinels, Kelly. She is very loving and we are working together in love and harmony to accomplish this within two hours. God is good!

I need to get something to eat. It's noon already. Now it's 1 and haven't left. Talking to patients. Had a Spanish speaker call for prayer.