Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Association 2009 feedback

I wanted to let you know that your address this year was the perfect boost for me - exactly the right message at exactly the right time. Of course! Thank you again for all you are doing. I believe everyone in attendance this year tangibly felt the healing presence of the Christ at work. I will attempt to express my gratitude through my acts this year, as no lesser expression would suffice. Thanks again!

Sunday, 14 June 2009

Principle corrects improper actions

Wanted to thank you again for your help last month. I gained a greater sense of dominion and peace and clarity from your work. Also wanted wanted to let you know the progress.
I so appreciated your emphasis on Principle and many times I have remembered your saying "Stand on Principle!"

I also worked with our Leader's words from Unity of Good, "God has no bastards to turn and rend their maker. The divine children are born of law and order and Truth knows only such".

After another reminder regarding the items removed and no return,I turned to the Matthew code and asked my brother to accompany me to call on my sister. We first spent 3 days inventorying the house and then dropped in on her and her family. I wasn't sure what I would say but I knew God would show me. After I informed her regarding the inventory of the house, her husband got up and brought out this huge box filled with items they had removed. None of which I had realized were missing. After we finished he got up and came back with another box filled with money and jewelry - some of which I had missed and some not. We discussed 3 other items that were missing but they offered no comments. They also asked about some other items that have not been found. I have gained a greater sense of peace about this although I know it is not finished. It is a start and I will stick with it. I suspect that some of the items have been disposed of. I know that Truth will uncover this or whatever the case is and lead me in the way to best proceed.

Many thanks,

Thursday, 11 June 2009

Society formation

Val, What an amazing mothering job you have! Mothering these beautiful groups and shepherding the thought awakening to the Christ. I don't know if Oaxaca applied years ago but I do know that they were very close with dearest Eberhard. My intuition is that this is a moment for mothering from The Mother Church.

As I encouraged the C. Victoria group, to me it's not so much about becoming a Society for our benefit or support. It's letting others find us, know we are there, know where to find healing and help in a geographic area. We are shining whatever spiritual light we are reflecting like a beacon and all the spiritually minded will see it and be led to Christian Science.

Anything I can do any time to help these beacons of light especially in the Spanish field I'm willing.

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Great conversation

There were many Pentecostal moments for me the past few days. The most important and the greatest for me was our conversation. It has given me hope, great hope, and renewed my spirit. I would go on any ship with you as captain, confident that you are primarily and ultimately entirely guided by God. My purpose is to the publish the word of God to all the world. Everyone truly is spiritually minded and as we remove the animal magnetism that would deceive or distract, that spiritual mindedness is seen and expressed ever more clearly. Preaching to the choir here.

But I mean it, last night was my Pentecost.

Forever grateful,

Spanish website

Definitely steps, to me big ones. There were many Pentecostal moments for me at this Annual Meeting. One was when Skip was announced as President. It felt like a 20 year journey had finally come full circle, closed the book, and we could truly move on. The theme of one accord took on a whole new significance for me in that moment. It was a Pentecostal moment.

Another was when you asked me to write a letter/proposal for an all-things Spanish website. It gives me such hope. I want to consult with my friends in the Spanish world to give a truly considered and realistic idea. As you might remember, I teach in June so if you will permit me, let me focus entirely on class and Association for the next 3 weeks. Then in July I'll focus on this project for a week and see what God reveals.

I've been thinking of several phrases. One is that we are preaching/promoting/demonstrating the Word of God. We aren't selling products or giving lectures per se. We are preaching, embodying the Word of God for the glory of God. Then it has all the power of God behind it. I've been thinking about a phrase, do more for less, meaning we can all do more with less money. It's not a matter of money but revelation. The more revelation, the less money it seems to take. I'm also thinking the revolution of revelation, and being the embodiment of that. Enough prosaics.

It's very comforting to have you in the lecture meetings at TMC. It makes us feel connected to the Board and to the Church. It's a tremendous commitment of your time, and it makes us all feel like we are a priority in that moment. Thank you for that, Nate. You are a towering shining light and you fan the spark of hope into a burning fire.

Thursday, 4 June 2009

Practical use of I Chronicles 28:21

In April we bought a home. I had mixed feelings about moving because we had truly enjoyed our 10 years there.We had a large piece of property to maintain and it seemed time to find a place that met our present needs.

Because the move was only 4 miles,and there was work to be done to get our home ready for selling, we decided to move a little each day. Also, I needed to separate a lot of things to be taken to different places.

About this time I remembered a Bible verse from I Chronicles 28:21 "and there shall be with thee for all manner of workmanship every willing skillful man,f or any manner of service."

What a promise!

So after we moved things we could handle our son helped us move some heavy items. Then my brother-in-law and his brother came up for a week and did many repairs at the property. They also emptied out barns and garages and made several trips to the dump and recycle center. About the the same time a dear friend was having an estate sale and I was able to take many items there and also help out at the sale.

Then my 2 brother-in laws came up and helped for a weekend. My brother came down and took some things he needed.T hen a friend sent a computer "geek" over to install our electronics. A few days later a neighbor came over when he saw us trying to carry in a heavy piece of furniture and lent a hand. During our first few weeks there another neighbor sent their lawn service over to cut our grass. My son and his wife have been helping us get our pool set up because they used to work in that capacity.

On Mother's Day our AC compressor burnt up before we were able to pay for the home warranty, so my husband called an AC man he knew and the next day we had a new unit. We also had an old work truck for sale that he wanted, so we traded it out.

A week ago family members built bookshelves in my very own office!!!! And this week there is some one here organizing our garage and making a few more changes we needed done.

This Bible verse, this promise,"there shall be with thee every willing skillful (wo)man" continues to bless us all!!

Much love---Nancy

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Twitter posts helpful

Thanks for the Helen Keller post yesterday. I had read it earlier in the day and had been thinking a lot about what was the one thing I could do. After contemplating the one thing I could could do (know that God WAS in control no matter what or how things seemed to be) I had a phone call from a friend. She was hysterical, felt that God had turned HIS back on her and her family, didn't want to live any longer, etc. She said that she had called a cs practitioner for the umpteenth time, but that once again, she just couldn't find peace - that CS didn't work for her - maybe for others, but not for her.

I knew that the practitioner's prayers had been effective, and I prayed to know what, if anything, to say. The first thing that came to me was YOU, LORIE, DO THE ONE THING YOU CAN DO RIGHT NOW - KNOW THAT GOD IS IN CONTROL! And yes, the message came in capital letters! It was so simple - one thing, only one thing! And that one thing was not requiring anything of me except to confirm what I already knew. I could do that, and I did.

The second thing I thought of came from a day of class where you addressed those exact words - that cs works for others but not for me. I then gave a treatment (to myself) for AM. Thank you again for last year's address re treatment for oneself vs treatment for another. It's been getting more and more clear this year - the immediate need is to treat my own thought first!!!! And it's true, when I address my own thought, sometimes it's not necessary to address another. (OK, you know this, I'm letting you know that I'm getting it on a deeper level!)

At the end of the conversation I mentioned this twitter posting to my friend and sent it to her. She wrote back later in the evening and said that for the first time, she felt an indescribable sense of peace and well-being!!!! She said that she COULD hold on to one thing, and her thought was that God loved her and that He was directing her path.

Please know, Elise, that these postings are really appreciated and helping me and others! I've introduced at least 5 others to your postings, and who knows how many others they have in turn introduced.

Monday, 1 June 2009

Finishing the trip to Nashville

Well we rolled into Nashville this afternoon. Went directly to Calypso Cafe, do not pass go, do not collect $200. Doug was there and showed us precious pictures of his son who is now 11 months. Dave had nachos, of course. Abby enjoyed the patio and we felt at home.

Now to fill in the rest of the story. I left everyone in Las Cruces after a great side trip to Silver City and City of Rocks. Well, the next day reminded me why we don't drive I-20 between El Paso and Dallas. Borrrrriiiinnnngggg. Flat, no scenery, nothing fun doing. We already decided next year we'll go to Carlsbad Caverns and skip I-20. Did that years ago with Mother. Time to do it again.

Anyway, we stopped at a fabulous La Quinta. I highly recommend this one. It's in Eastland which is before Dallas. We will definitely stay there again. Great breakfast, brand new, lovely rooms, friendly staff and free for doggie.

Then we pushed on to Brandon MS. Scenery improved and then got looking very green again, sigh. Miss the open views of sky and desert. Anyway, the Brandon La Quinta is brand new too. Not as nice as Eastland but we'd do it again.

Then on to Montgomery and the Alabama Shakespeare Festival, which is the entire reason for taking this route. Ah so worth it. The first play was Saturday at 2pm. We made it with 25 minutes to spare. As we walked down the aisle to the seats, Dave looked again at our tickets and the date was 6/6. Now mind you we are still in May at this point. I'm thinking..what?!? So we backed out and skittered over to the box office. Turns out good ole Elise had made the reservations for the wrong weekend (thinking the Annual Meeting was going to be June 1, how silly was that). Then Elise figured out the mistake, called ASF, changed the tickets, made notes in her daytimer and promptly forgot about it. Easily rectified. They had the new tickets waiting for us at will call. Not as good seats but good enough.

So, the first play was The Three Musketeers. Too wonderful. The black actor Esau Pritchett was elegant and convincing as the author Dumas. The swordplay was gifted and the fellow playing King Louis XIII was hilarious. He's an acting student but I wanted his part to be even bigger. Everything word and gesture was hilarious. My fav actor at ASF, Rodney Clarke had a nice role in this play along with Ray Chambers. Rodney brings something different to every role, and a vitality and energy that is palpable. Apparently he's been the leading role in some plays during the winter, sorry we missed them.

Then afterward they had a described changeover, meaning the head of sets stood out with the audience and talked about what they were doing to prepare the set for the evening show. It was quite detailed since there was a center block used for all three shows. But for Three Musketeers that had a moving periphery going around the block to make for action scenes with horses and indicate movement of time and place. Extremely effective. Anyway, we stayed for almost an hour watching them take down one set and construct the next. His information was fascinating, and some of the questions were excellent. It was like an insiders view of theater. Not to be missed.

Found a shortcut to the hotel, after almost 25 years coming here you'd think we might have figured this out earlier. Took care of Abby, the dog, went to Pickadilly cafeteria thankfully for the last time. I've been off of this place for several years. It's dirty and the food isn't good. Finally Dave agreed. The servers were serly. The food below par, and it's still so dirty I can't believe health codes allow them to stay open. But then this is Alabama folks.

Anyway, we just made it back in the nick of time for the evening bard talk with our favorite prof Susan W. We were seeing Comedy of Errors and she gave a delightful summary with written notes that were extraordinarily good.

The play was wonderful. Both sets of twins did a great acting job. Costuming and sets were good. The timing was excellent. Superb directing for the men, but we were disappointed with the two female roles. The director should have done a bit more directing there. We discovered from the last play that the female lead is an exquisite actress, but you'd never know it from this production. Which means it's the vision of the director that didn't translate well for the female roles. Other than the abbess Caroline Strong. She was exquisite. She was exquisite in all three roles. She played Madame de Winter in Three Musketeers, and Iago's wife in Othello as well. Three completely different personalities, all done perfectly. I'd like to see her as Lady MacBeth or in a play where the women have larger roles. The women were really on the sidelines this year. Matt Renskers, the hilarious Louis XIII was in this show in a tiny role Dr. Pinch which he drew out for every laugh possible. Put me on this guy's list of fans.

Sunday, we went to church, visited with friends. After more than 20 years people remember us, and I lectured here a couple years ago. Grabbed a quick lunch at Olive Garden, took care of the dog and made it once again in time for the pre talk for Othello. Susan wasn't there, but it was still good. This was the best production of Othello I've seen, and it was due to Esau Pritchett. This man is an acting genius. He doesn't overact. He doesn't posture. He's a man with a real personality and emotions who happens to be acting them, but you think he's living those emotions. Unbelievably good. They even did the epileptic fit scene which I've never seen done, and he was extraordinary. Here was where the female actors shone. Everyone was exquisite. I didn't care for Iago, but I don't think I've ever seen an Iago I liked. The part is so slimey. Actually I don't care for this play. I've never liked the play. The premise and lies and evil deception is painful to watch. But like many plays I go because of the acting and this production didn't disappoint. I'd drive miles to watch Esau Pritchett do anything. What a performance!

Afterward the did a talk with the actors and guess who came out? Othello and Iago! Astounding! The questions were excellent. We learned about their background, how they became actors, how they memorize lines, how they work on their acting craft. It was really good. Went for a nice walk in the waning warm sun, popcorn for dinner, finished a lecture, and left the next morning to arrive in Nashville. What a weekend!