Sunday, 28 September 2008

Milwaukee lecture and healing

There were about 50 people at the library for the Milwaukee lecture. An elderly woman said she fell backwards and hit her head on the street coming into the lecture. It took 3 people to get her up. She insisted on coming into the talk on Curing the Incurable. After the talk she told me she had been completely healed, no bump, no problems, nothing. She wanted me to know that the healing had taken place during the lecture.

A black female who has a healing ministry talked with me quite awhile about her healing work. Why are some not healed? Why is some healing not permanent? I talked to her about her healoing with oil depending on the patient's faith, some have more and some less. Then recommended Science and Health and basically helped her get a more spiritual view of how she could heal when patients are afraid or feel guilty and don't have as much faith. It's an art we are all working on. She was thinking she might stop her ministry and I encouraged her to continue. We need healers and she is doing God's work.

Talked with others afterward and helped them with whatever was on their mind.

Did take a drive to the lake and walked on the beach. It's beautiful here. Drove downtown and saw the wings Clare told me about near their Children's art museum. There obviously is/was a lot of money here. Classy downtown and huge estates along the lake shore all the way back to the hotel.

Ate at Culver's. Great place. $10 and I had pot roast with 3 sides and a mint chocolate shake. Yum!

Half day in Boston

When I start lecturing I realize how writing a daily diary takes a backseat. Where to begin?

The half day I spent in Boston at The Mother Church was very productive. While waiting for my friend from college and now head manager of The Christian Science Monitor and all the magazines including the Heralds, I saw Kari buying lunch. We talked for 5 minutes and I told her about a Greek lecture in Florida that I'd heard about at my last lecture, that she didn't realize someone had scheduled for her. Then I mentioned that none of us knew we were supposed to send her a copy of our radio interviews. She was stunned.

I'm going to send her a copy of the Milwaukee radio interview. Lasted an hour and 5 people came to the lecture because of it. They gave away 6 Science and Healths on the radio (my recommendation) and another 3 at the talk. One other person purchased theirs.

John laughingly offered me a job as head of marketing for the Monitor. I told him I'd do everything I could for him but it's clear my path is healing not marketing. He caught every idea I shared with him. Said it might take him 6-8 months to institute the changes. I'm praying that the change on the Home Forum page works. I recommended that 2 articles a week be edited by Clare for 1st person, mentioning God, prayer, faith, etc. I told him the Home Forum page should be more Christian. I think he caught the vision - news was the rest of the paper unbiased and professional. The Home Forum page is for the family, home being the kingdom of heaven and how can you talk about the kingdom of heaven without God?

Saw Julie M. She invited me to the Sentinel weekly meeting. Good to meet all the editors, some of which are very young and new. I hadn't met the new head editor, Ingrid. That was helpful .

Went to TMCYouth and talked to Adriana about her work in Africa. Bill decided to offer my lecture prep on Youth and Youthful Thinking at the Chicago Youth Summit on Friday night before the main event. I also got him to contact Principia College and inform the students. Nothing had been done there unbelievably.

Talked with everyone in the Lecture Dept. Met with Betty in BOE. We talked about the Galapagos actually. Met with Enrique and got my deadline for the article for the Herald. Leide head editor for all the foreign language Heralds snagged me and was very upset talking about imminent plans for the Heralds. I promised to talk about it. Prayer is in order and I also need to see what is really going on not what Leide thinks is going on. I can't just go stomping into some dept and area uninvited. Jonathan has invited me to talk about the Monitor with him. I'll let it lay for awhile and then approach him on the Heralds.

The Monitor had the first of a series of "town meetings" for their staff to talk about probably doing away with the daily newspaper. I went. Interesting but it's clear they are not making the decisions. The decisions are being made for them. Marshall afterward asked who I was and what I was doing there. That's what I get for taking notes. Met head editor too. I didn't pull rank and didn't mention I was a teacher, just a Christian Scientist. With Marshall I mentioned lecturer and that I knew his mother. What a thing to say to a 45 year old, but it worked.

Full afternoon. Jonathan said he was still thinking about and working on the ideas I gave him on our last phone conversation. He's receptive to new ideas. He's instituted already some of what we talked about. He's very quick. Gets things in a moment. Perhaps our informal talks will make a significant impact. I'd rather work behind the scenes. That way I can keep focus on healing but still help. He asked if I knew anyone else like me, that was funny. Actually the answer was no, but I'll keep my eyes open.

Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Warm custard

I'm staying in a small Christian Science retirement community called Rockhaven in Glastonbury. It's comprised of one bedroom patio homes. So here I am this morning praying for patients when the doorbell rings. It's one of the ladies from the lecture prep last night with a bowl of homemade custard still warm and homemade split pea soup (my favorite!) with crackers. I've never in all my life had someone bring me homemade goodies to the door. I had a few spoonfuls of warm custard with nutmeg baked and crackling on the top. Oh my. This is life. I won't need to go out for lunch. Oh leave me here.

Last night Pat Robertson, the lecture chair, and I went for coffee at Starbucks. She'd never been but was game. Turns out she worked for Mary Trammell for years as her assistant. Has worked for The Mother Church, Principia, Longyear and other places since 1945. We have lots of friends in common. What a delight she is! Candid, insightful (one of the qualities she mentioned at the meeting), delightful.

Monday, 22 September 2008

Good news

Hope I mentioned how the Hispanic gals who work at The Gardens (retirement home for Christian Science seniors in Carlsbad, CA) loved your lecture here a couple of years ago. I'm sure I told you. - Auriel

I love these emails. Helps to know that the Word of God is being received, comforting and saving all that is good.

Ipswich MA lecture

The lecture prep for this church was on Supporting Church Growth. Since the time we began working together earlier in the summer, they have added 6 people to their branch membership, including one person signing the book the day of the lecture prep! He brought a visitor with him to the lecture.

A member heard in the intro that I’ve done interfaith work. She asked if I would be willing to do an interfaith talk in their area, to which I said of course! She is a member of an interfaith council and is clearly thinking about giving just and true replies to public theological topics about Christian Science. How interesting that my first lecture after our Chicago meeting and thinking about talking to ministers and religion classes, a person approaches me thinking the same. She also mentioned the New Thought movement. I'm increasingly interested in seeing what Kurt Schreiber comes up with to help me clarify the distinction between New Thought and the origins of Christian Science.

After the lecture Heloisa Rivas, co-chair of the lecture board, and Abigail MacKay from Australia took me to dinner. They had come for the lecture. What a delight to see them! Abigail was a total surprise. She and I have a special connection from several years ago but haven't had the opportunity to really visit since. She told her story of being stateless for 7 years, of living in 4 disparate countries including S. Africa for 15 years, US taking her masters at Carbondale, UK with her husband, and then back to Australia. It's quite a story.

I'm staying in this cute apartment in Glastonbury. So comfy that I decided to do the radio interview from here on Weds and not drive so late at night into Boston. Turns out well. I can pick up Jeffrey at Chestnut Hill where he is helping them with computer technology. So it is a blessing for everyone.

Tried to take video at the Ipswich lecture. It worked after the lecture prep but too many people wanted to talk with me and tell me their stories after the lecture. No one wanted to stay to put it on video, or maybe they just didn't want to put it on video. Not sure if this is really going to work.

Thursday, 18 September 2008

Fever healed

A woman called with a fever and other symptoms. She was healed. God not only heals symptoms but awakens the individual to her divine happiness and power as a beloved spiritual idea of God. Humans aren't powerless sinners waiting at the side of the road for the Christ to lift them up. Each one is a beloved child of God inherently given divine rights and power to express them.

Had a glorious early morning walk at Radnor. Got packed and to the airport and writing this in the Baltimore airport on the way to Manchester. Have a several hour drive after I land to get to Ipwsich.

Macon GA called and was totally surprised I was booked for the season. So he asked when to call for Thanksgiving of next year. I'm glad he mentioned the time. We won't go to China! I'd rather lecture in Macon next year and be in the States. Interesting how priorities change and international vacation travel is not the first priority. There will be the perfect time however, God will open the way.

Doggie door incident

Annie, our secretary, took her lunch onto the patio in our adsence to enjoy the lovely afternoon. The charlie bar dropped into place and her cellphone and keys were inside. The house was now completely locked and we were out for a couple hours. AFter she ate lunch, read the Bible lesson and we till weren't home, she did the only thing she could think of. She wriggled in through the doggie door. Now this was not an easy feat. I can't imagine how she made it. When I invited her to join me this afternoon on the patio she texted me back, No way! Still laughing.

Had a lovely walk at Radnor today. We ate lunch on the back patio of my favorite restaurant, Calypso Cafe. Got all the flights scheduled for the lectures through mid-March. Fixed the website home page. Getting Shannon at TMC to update all my press releases. Scheduled Mexico City for 3 lectures and Ciudad Victoria came up with a great new title for one of my Spanish lectures, El poder del Amor vence la violencia. The schedule is now full and it's Sept 18. I've been turning down churches for a month now protecting the time when I'm lecturing in Australia/New Zealand. But just turned down two I'd love to have done, a Spanish lecture in Chicago and a lectures series in Seattle. Another year perhaps.

It's 11:15pm and actually I've gotten all the work done that I needed to do today. Amazing. How often do I go to bed just calling it quits instead of having finished everything.

At the lecturers' meeting in Chicago they asked me how I did all I do. My first answer was giving full credit to David for taking care of everything at the house which frees me up tremendously. Then the head of the lecture dept mentioned that I had a secretary. I have 2 in fact, both part time, but yes I couldn't possibly do what I do and their job as well. Some months it's like having 1 full time person, they work that many hours combined. But actually the truth is, I have no idea how everything comes together. It's a miracle and it's God at work. I pray and know that God is in charge and God is truly the divine power governing every thought and action, and to the degree that I reflect God and express God, to that degree the right things get done at the right time. I do need to watch wasting time, too much technology, too much putzing with what is not as important as prayer and healing. Maybe I feel like this week I spent so much time reworking my website, starting the new Google groups for the Association and for the lecture chairs. But now that it's done, it sure is nice. Maybe it wasn't putzing but deeper Bible study, revealings from God and healing sure seem more satisfying and important.

Onward and upward!

Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Abdominal pain healed

A school teacher called me from the nurse's office. She was doubled over with abdominal pain. She is a student of Christian Science and wanted healing treatment instead of medication. I prayed for her and she called me this morning saying she was completely healed. All symptoms were gone including fever and she went to work. The Word of God is quick and powerful as it says in Hebrews 4:12

I was up much of the night praying for this patient and praying for others. Woke up in the middle of the night, which doesn't happen often, and just studied the Scriptures and Science and Health and prayed. Took a bit of a nap early this morning to catch up.

Had a 3 1/2 hour lunch with Nelda, a good friend who I haven't been keeping in touch with since I began lecturing 3 years ago. We talked nonstop about dramatic changes in her life, about our mutual trips to India. Turns out we were in India at the same time and actually in many of the same places. She might be a good travel partner for Sharon. She has friends around the world and usually travels to visit her friends rather than on tours, but we'll include her in potential plans. The visit was good for her, I think. We stood outside for an hour talking about her feelings and finding a sense of peace by affirming God's nature. She said this was called centering prayer in a book she was reading. Honestly, all these books come from the system of Christian Science. It is the Science of Christianity ie learning and applying the divine laws in the human experience. Affirming God as Love, God as good, God as governing our lives and present with us is the science of Christ.

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

My Argentina trip

The lecture tour April 2008 to Argentina and Chile was very successful. Enrique Smeke the editor of the Spanish Herald magazine asked me yesterday to write two articles for the magazine. He is from Argentina and told me they loved the lectures and me. Then he asked if I would go back. This is my reply.

I don't think I conveyed the profound impact Argentina had on me. Would I go back? Absolutely. I feel that I would be among friends and that we could do great things. The experience in Argentina completely changed my view of my ability to convey the Christ message. I no longer think that my faults in Spanish can impede the clarity and healing impact of the Christ. The Christ, Truth shines through and heals, restores and renews regardless of me. That was the key. I'm no longer thinking about me.

So, if divine Mind thinks that I have something to share in Argentina I'm thrilled to go. That's truly the point isn't it? It's not would I go, it's what God is unfolding for the progress and healing activity of the wonderful Christian Science movement in Argentina. Wonderful things are going on!

Your daughter for 200 camels?!?

Mary from New Smyrna Beach, FL, where I'm lecturing before going to Egypt, told me a story about her cousin who worked in Zimbabwe for a year. When her dad, Bob, came to visit, they went to eat in a cafe. Several men approached and offered Bob 200 camels in exchange for his daughter. Bob asked how they were going to get 200 camels. The spokesman replied that several villages were going together. Then Bob asked how he was going to get 200 camels back to the US. The men were stumped. Bob left with his daughter. Mary added, "She is very pretty."

Monday, 15 September 2008

Knee healed

Email from a patient:
"I wanted to let you know that my leg and knee are so much better. I thank you so much for your love and guidance throughout this healing.

I actually had an interesting thing happen that I'm not sure that I really understand. Yesterday while in the grocery store to get some necessities after the storm, I slipped and fell in some water on the floor of the store. I landed on the knee that had been bothering me. As I picked myself up, knowing that I was fine, I was amazed that my leg actually felt better than it had when coming into the store! Somehow the calm that came over me in that situation helped me to know that all was well. Today I rode my bike for 45 minutes and also walked our dog. I am feeling truly blessed."

The healing power of God is present and operating for every individual. Had someone come to the office today feeling far from God. By the end of our visit, she felt close to God, realized that she was receiving the Christ messages and felt physically better. What a joy it is to see the immediacy of the Christ in people's lives.

Dave and I went to dinner with a friend, Lois Degler, to the Lovelace Cafe. We talked about church and the healing ministry. We rejoiced together over her healing of grief and experiencing a renewed feeling of freedom. Church growth to me is based on Romans 8:1,2 that there is no condemnation. Jesus came not to condemn but to save. Church comes alive when members love without judgmentalism, realize that healing is rooted in Love, and comfort, encourage, and console one another with the Christ message. Church should be a shelter from the world's condemnation, a haven of Soul where the great heart of Love embraces each one in compassion and tender love.

Sunday, 14 September 2008

Deep Bible Study and fun book about Kenya

What a God-filled day! I took a walk at Radnor Lake, full of happy people, sunshine and inspiration. Then went to Curves. The rest of the day was spent in Bible study especially praying and studying deeply I John 1:1-7. I started studying more deeply the concept of "consolation". Still want to find the deeper meanings of consolation.

Finished one fictional fun book and started "A Guide to the Birds of East Africa" by Nicholas Drayson. What a treasure! Stayed up and finished the book in a few hours. The characters are genuine, sweet with an unvarnished glimpse of crime, politics, poverty, and problems in Kenya. Yet the underlying goodness of honesty, integrity, friendship, morality, social conscience keeps one reading from one short chapter to another. I underlined every bird description tantalizing us to visit Kenya. A blessed day.

Pain in leg healed

Here's the first email I received from a patient...
"I keep praying but I still have a strong pain in my leg. I think it is in my bone. It started three days ago, but I did not pay attention. But yesterday the pain got stronger and this morning too. I am reading the Bible lesson. I do not want this to take away my harmony."

This is the second email from the next day...
"I am feeling much much better. The pain is almost gone, and I am walking fine. Yesterday evening i could not even walk anymore. Thank you! please keep thinking about us. It is beautiful to feel God's love all around us. This trip is being full of God's love manifestation. I feel so grateful!"

Jesus Christ came to earth to show all humankind how to pray effectively and feel the power and presence on God right here, right now on earth. Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God, that heals all sickness, removes all pain, and saves from sin including the sins of others. This salvation including physical healing is for all. When a person turns to God with faith in good and understands something of the supremacy of Spirit on earth, Christ healing happens.

Thursday, 11 September 2008

Great birthday!

This was a great birthday! All my cousins called or emailed. Sharon called. Renata and I talked. Dave gave me 2 cards and we went out to lunch with Annie. It was extra nice to be remembered for some reason this year. Usually I'm so busy it slides on by, but this was lovely. Went for a walk at Radnor and spent the day creating a Google group Elise Lecture Info to make life easier for the lecture chairs. Have to figure out how to get photos on this site and make it more fun.

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Chicago lecturer meeting

For two days it has been an honor and privilege to be with some of the finest Christian healers in the world. This small group meeting of a dozen men and women who have devoted their lives to the Christian ministry--healing the sick, bringing salvation to the sinning, and preaching the gospel to the poor in spirit. I am grateful to be among them.

It is rare to spend much time sharing inspiration and practical tips with colleagues. I learned so much and have immediately put into practice some of the tips shared by others. This feels like the beginning of new directions and a deeper more committed sense of ministry. I've felt a rededication to preaching the gospel and a renewal of conviction in the vast possibilities of awakening humankind to the power of Spirit on earth.

The harvest is now and we are humble but committed workers in God's wide harvest field.

Monday, 8 September 2008

Another grandkid day

What a great day with Daniel and his family. His mom Robin is so inclusive. Played games with the kids. Went to the park and a birthday party where they broke a pinata. Then Chicago pizza and on to a lecturer conference. Being with Daniel is such a joy!

Saturday, 6 September 2008

Fulbright scholar from Mexico

We had a delightful dinner at Los Arcos with Bonnie and Karl Jannasch from church. Bonnie is librarian at an elementary school which is hosting a Fulbright scholar from Culiancan, Sinaloa Mexico. Yuri along with her architect husband Benjamin arrived a couple weeks ago and joined us for dinner. What a treat! We took them to La Hacienda market where Yuri sighed in contentment at familiar foods and spices. A little piece of home is like heaven on earth. Looking forward to visiting with them again.

Had a charming walk this morning at Radnor Lake after exercising at curves. Finished another lecture in English to be given at a Youth Conference in Chicago this October. It's been edited and approved. On to memorizing it.

Tomorrow a pre-recorded talk on Sentinel Radio airs, Safe from Harm. I'm going to post the CD to my website when I have an opportunity.

God is good and we rest in action. Certainly enjoying the peaceful harmonious action of God governing daily affairs with a sense of newness and purpose.

Thursday, 4 September 2008

Picking blackberries

A woman called for prayer on Sunday. She was leading the services at her church but awoke immobilized. Couldn't pick her feet up. I prayed and she was able to drive to church and conduct the services. We continued praying and after 4 days she reported she was able to move freely. Went to pick blackberries. All things are possible with God!

Healings for Sept 3

A woman who could barely make it up the stairs, after praying together for several days, was so free that she went out golfing and walked much of the course. She was delighted.

Another woman had a urinary tract infection. After three days of prayer, she was completely cured.

I was violently ill all day. Dave thinks it was what I ate last night, but regardless, nothing including water would stay down. Dave was so supportive and stayed with me. I read the Bible Lesson and he read to me from Science and Health. In the afternoon I asked him to read to me the definition of God in the Glossary of Science and Health and page 275. I was healed. Took it easy the rest of the evening and today am fine as ever. Praise God!

Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Girl healed over the weekend

Got a call over the Labor Day weekend. A Mom called for her 11-year old daughter who had a foot injury from ballet. She'd been struggling for a couple weeks. Instead of praying about feet or injury, I prayed that we would all see this child as God's spiritual idea held in the hand of God, untouched and complete. The girl called me the next day and we talked about how to know when we are healed. We don't look for confirmation of healing from the body, but from Mind. I directed her to page 120 of Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy which says that health is not a condition of matter but of Mind.

The girl was healed over the weekend.

It works!

In a previous post, we took our neighbors to Chaffins Barn. At dinner, Gary talked about taking a fall while running. He said on the way down he knew this was going to be bad. He damaged his shoulder and it took months to heal. He was just getting back to running. He was glad he could do it without surgery.

I talked to him about a healing I had while on the boat in the Galapagos. The boat had rocked out from under me and I'd tumbled down the stairs to the metal floor, landed in a heap. As I was going down, I'd declared, "God is right here." After I landed, I thought I'm upheld in the hand of God. I can't fall out of God's care, and I'm alright. Then I turned over and sat on the deck for awhile praying.

My ankle started to hurt, but I instantly rejected that. I thought again, "I'm held in the hand of God and am unfallen, upright, whole and free." This idea is from Science and Health by Mary Baker Eddy. In less than 10 minutes I was able to get up and walk on. My hand was sensitive for another day, but even that disappeared with no injury.

Gary stopped me this weekend and told me that he'd been running. He'd caught his foot and took a bad fall. On the way down, he remembered our conversation and mentally declared that he was alright and that God was there. That's as far as he went with it.

He said it was like a soft landing eventhough it was on cement. He said people came rushing over to help him. He stood up, brushed himself off, said he wasn't hurt and went on. He showed me a scrape on his knee. That was the only injury. He said, "It really worked." This was his first experience of turning to God and knowing that God was protecting him. He was happy and excited to tell me of the result of our little conversation over dinner.

Praise God!