Our last day in Tucson we had such a good time visiting with folks. Saw Stacey on her way to the HOA meeting. Then Teresa and Robert came over after the meeting to tell us all about it. They stayed for half an hour talking about issues regarding the complex. I recommended creating a list of all the residents by home number with contact phone number and giving to everyone. Also recommended gating the community and getting a half time property manager to oversee all the repairs and running of the complex. Dave recommended having a monthly cash flow report. We’ll have to write to the board with these recommendations. As Robert put it, we all need to be involved. He’s right.
We went to dinner at Leo’s. Had enchilada mole as our last meal. Ahhhh, it was wonderful. Then we visited with Rosemary and Elliott. Haven’t seen much of them this year. They are leaving the same day we are. Visited for about an hour. Then Jill showed us where the red tailed hawk has a nest on their golf course. We went back after 5pm and saw 22 species in 20 minutes. Quite a birdy place. Didn’t even go to their street where we knew there was a Vermillion Flycatcher. Just stayed right there around that fairway. The best birds were the Abert’s Towhee, Lincoln Sparrow, and Cassin’s Kingbird.
Visited with Lynn the morning we left. Gave her everything out of the frig, but this year we called it much closer. Just a few odds and ends and some fish that Dave overbought. He bought a dozen fillets instead of 2-4. But it made a nice gift. We visited for half an hour. Still managed to leave by 8:30. Then went to the PO since Dave couldn’t do the mail forwarding over the computer. Ate breakfast at Jack in the Box, nice burrito, saw a Cooper’s hawk in the parking lot of a grocery store, dropped a package in the mail and were on our way by 9:30.
What a pleasant ride. We drove to Silver City. Parked by the Big Ditch where a flood came through in 1895 with a wall of water 300’ wide and 12’ deep. Took out the entire town except for 1 house. Subsequent floods took it down to the bedrock 55’ below grade. Now it’s a little park walking along the river. Abby and I walked along for awhile. Then she was happy in the car under the trees while Dave and I walked the length of the town. All the restaurants were closed. We just missed them, forgot about change in time. Found a used bookstore and bought a couple of Mrs. Seeton’s books. Very cute. Had a nice conversation with the owner. He said they almost closed last summer. Usually does $600 per week, last summer less than $200 per week. The day of the election he said business picked up. It’s all perception.
Anyway, Dave got a sandwich at Diane’s Deli and I got soup and sandwich at a vegetarian restaurant. We sat ouside with purple picnic tables, big puffy clouds, under a nice awning and had a lovely lunch. I got a decaf latte and a couple of homemade little cookies and we had a nice dessert. Then off to City of Rocks. Bunch of volcanic tuff rocks apparently spit out in an explosion 175 miles away near Albuquerque, landing in a bundle in the middle of the desert. We drove around them and then Abby and I took a walk through some of them. Saw a roadrunner parked on top of a huge rock surveying his domain. A family group of incredibly furry bushy talked squirrels, no trees around, wonder what type they were. We also espied a jackrabbit with giant black tipped ears, totally unconcerned by Abby. We walked here and there over the rocks, just like walking on a shelf. The rocks sounded hollow when I thumped them. At least some of the outer edges. I wonder if that’s the way it sounds before it sheers off. Anyway we’ve wanted to see this area for years. It was different than I expected. Much more desert scrub and perhaps trees like San Antonio hill country around Silver City. I expected piney forest but not so. Crossed the Continental Divide before Silver City at 6355’. Silver City itself it around 5300’. Continued on to Las Cruces. Lovely drive, wonderful views. Dave and I love this drive. I don’t want to really read in the car, but drink in the wide expanses and think.
We had dinner at a Cracker Barrel in Las Cruces right in back of the other la Quinta. There are two at this exit. Lovely meal although I don’t think Dave will order steak there again. Looked good but was tough and he couldn’t eat most of it. The catfish was excellent. We went to bed early. Great beds, we both slept like logs. The breakfast wasn’t that great, but we got on the road by 8:30am. Perfect day for travel, no wind, sunny but not egg-frying hot. We’re loving the views as we cross through Texas, remembering the trip with Jeffrey where we birded around a little lake. Saw the lake from the road. One of these trips we want to stop at McDonald’s observatory near Van Horn. Another trip we really need to take time and see Big Bend national park and see the special birds they have there.
Thursday, 28 May 2009
Monday, 25 May 2009
Increased RR activity in Perth
Reading Room Activity
8th April
Two young men came in to enquire about CS. One is living here from South Africa and one is an overseas student studying at Central TAFE. They were very receptive and left with free literature.
15th April
A gentleman came in asking, “What is Christian Science?” Much discussion followed. He left with the Tenets and a Sentinel.
16th April
A phone call was received from a gentleman wanting to know more about CS. A long discussion ensued. He was sent some Sentinels and “God’s Law of Adjustment”
8th April
Two young men came in to enquire about CS. One is living here from South Africa and one is an overseas student studying at Central TAFE. They were very receptive and left with free literature.
15th April
A gentleman came in asking, “What is Christian Science?” Much discussion followed. He left with the Tenets and a Sentinel.
16th April
A phone call was received from a gentleman wanting to know more about CS. A long discussion ensued. He was sent some Sentinels and “God’s Law of Adjustment”
Newcomer calling practitioner in Perth
One of our practitioners emailed the committee the day after the lecture saying,
“I'm not sure if a call I had last night around 9.30 was from someone who had attended the lecture or was as a result of the metaphysical work done in preparation. The caller obviously had some exposure to Christian Science and had many, many questions. During the approx. one hour conversation we covered a lot of ground. Someone had given the caller my name should she have any questions.
Later the same practitioner emailed saying:
“An update --- I have just had another session with my mystery caller. I still don't know if she attended the Lecture but she told me that she is a regular listener to Sentinel Radio and finds it most interesting.”
“I'm not sure if a call I had last night around 9.30 was from someone who had attended the lecture or was as a result of the metaphysical work done in preparation. The caller obviously had some exposure to Christian Science and had many, many questions. During the approx. one hour conversation we covered a lot of ground. Someone had given the caller my name should she have any questions.
Later the same practitioner emailed saying:
“An update --- I have just had another session with my mystery caller. I still don't know if she attended the Lecture but she told me that she is a regular listener to Sentinel Radio and finds it most interesting.”
Handouts of articles working well
Perth isn't the first church to tell me that all their sets of articles were taken. This is becoming a very popular way of continuing the message of the lecture with those who attend. 50 is the legal limit set by TMC.
Many in the audience waited to speak to Elise after the lecture.
All fifty sets of Elise’s three articles: ‘Listen…God is Speaking ‘, ‘Your Best Defense’ and ‘When You Need Help Fast’, were given away. Emails with sets of these three articles as attachments were sent to 48 church people on the Lecture Committee email list. Appreciation was expressed by several people for the gift of that week’s My Bible Lesson.
Many in the audience waited to speak to Elise after the lecture.
All fifty sets of Elise’s three articles: ‘Listen…God is Speaking ‘, ‘Your Best Defense’ and ‘When You Need Help Fast’, were given away. Emails with sets of these three articles as attachments were sent to 48 church people on the Lecture Committee email list. Appreciation was expressed by several people for the gift of that week’s My Bible Lesson.
Contact with newcomers
It's astounding that churches don't consider ways to keep in touch with the newcomers that God brings to lectures. Each one is a new student of Christian Science. I need to make a bigger point with churches next year on making it easy for people to leave their name and contact info.
One person left her contact address requesting to be informed of future lectures. This is the first time in the post duction that attendees were invited to leave their contact details to be informed of future events/lectures. The Calendar of Events showing service details and resources was available for all.
One person left her contact address requesting to be informed of future lectures. This is the first time in the post duction that attendees were invited to leave their contact details to be informed of future events/lectures. The Calendar of Events showing service details and resources was available for all.
Comments about newcomers to Perth lecture
One young man, apparently visiting for the first time, who came in late and sat at the back looked at Science and Health, walked away three times then returned to purchase a copy.
Two friends of a member, one who was visiting for the first time, both expressed their appreciation for what was shared by the lecturer. The first time visitor purchased a copy of the text book. The other friend has been attending Sunday services and Testimony Meetings since and recently expressed her gratitude for what she is learning in Christian Science.
A friend of a member who has attended the last three lectures and has been attending Sunday services and Testimony meetings regularly stated that, “…there is so much love in this Church.”
On visiting the Sunday School for the first time before a Sunday service she stated, “…there is a wonderful feeling here …”
A few weeks before the Lecture a member and her daughter, on calling into Church around 7.30pm on a Saturday evening, noticed two young people intently reading and discussing the content in the Display Cabinet outside the Church building. At this time there was a large banner above the Display Cabinet advertising the coming Lecture with more detailed information in the cabinet including the theme of the display being ‘Financial Stability.’
A member’s neighbour was very happy to accept a copy of Science and Health as gift.
Two friends of a member, one who was visiting for the first time, both expressed their appreciation for what was shared by the lecturer. The first time visitor purchased a copy of the text book. The other friend has been attending Sunday services and Testimony Meetings since and recently expressed her gratitude for what she is learning in Christian Science.
A friend of a member who has attended the last three lectures and has been attending Sunday services and Testimony meetings regularly stated that, “…there is so much love in this Church.”
On visiting the Sunday School for the first time before a Sunday service she stated, “…there is a wonderful feeling here …”
A few weeks before the Lecture a member and her daughter, on calling into Church around 7.30pm on a Saturday evening, noticed two young people intently reading and discussing the content in the Display Cabinet outside the Church building. At this time there was a large banner above the Display Cabinet advertising the coming Lecture with more detailed information in the cabinet including the theme of the display being ‘Financial Stability.’
A member’s neighbour was very happy to accept a copy of Science and Health as gift.
Comments from Perth on publicity and prayer
All the information and ideas and the wisdom behind them from Elise and her website were most useful and a great guide. The Metaphysical marketing in particular kept us on course and the church members fully involved. Guidelines for the introducer and flyer designer were greatly appreciated. Messages about the Christ on emails from Elise were appreciated and kept our planning ‘in focus.’
We were very happy that an interview by the local radio station, Radio Fremantle 107.9 FM took place. It was a telephone link up with Elise in Tuscon to a direct programme on Friday 13th March at 9.00 a.m. It was then replayed on the next three Tuesdays, the last on the day of the lecture. The church already has an hour’s time slot Tuesdays 1.00 – 2.00p.m. The station kindly inserted their recording of the Lecturer’s interview between the Sentinel Radio and The Bible Lesson. Spot advertisements were also played throughout the days in the three week period before the lecture.
The radio station later advised that weekly hits on its website, for the Christian Science Programme, for the four weeks up to 7 April (the date of our lecture) were 185+138+166+391. The committee was delighted with these results and most grateful for the cooperation from the management when making arrangements for the interview and replays.
From the start we were encouraged by Elise:
* to pray about each step before taking it
* to recognise that the Christ is active in, and attractive to, each individual in Perth;
* and to destroy the counter suggestions of animal magnetism.
All members were invited to participate in this metaphysical work and a special roster of volunteers was organised to cover all aspects between 20 February and 23 April 2009. Messages received from the Lecturer and shared with members of the prayer roster, plus the Preparatory Meeting held by Elise the day before the lecture provided additional impetus to this work.
1,000 flyers were handed or sent to all members to use as personal invitations and for display in libraries and other public places. Flyers were also sent to Family Support centres at seven prisons.
We decided not to use any newspaper advertisements as we had done in the past, but instead to focus on the following ideas suggested by Elise, which we used for the first time:
As our main advertising activity, an advertisement was placed on Face Book three weeks before the lecture. The advertisement appeared 1,406,313 times on Perth-based Face Book sites and was linked to a flyer advertising the lecture, displayed on the special events page on the church’s website. The Face Book advertisement read, “God is Speaking to You” followed by a photo of a lion lying down with a lamb, and then the words: “come hear a talk on how others have tuned in and found freedom and healing.”
648 visitors to these Face Book sites found this advertisement of sufficient interest to click on it and be connected to the church’s special events page. The ideas and expertise of two new committee members in organising this are greatly appreciated.
Also for the first time, we sent to members, who had agreed to help in this way, an email suitable for forwarding to friends and acquaintances, attaching a flyer advertising the lecture, and giving details of how to access Radio Fremantle’s website for a preview of the lecture, provided in the Lecturer’s radio interview.
Whilst we have received little direct information on what brought each one in, the total attendance and the number of visitors were substantially more than for other recent lectures.
We were very happy that an interview by the local radio station, Radio Fremantle 107.9 FM took place. It was a telephone link up with Elise in Tuscon to a direct programme on Friday 13th March at 9.00 a.m. It was then replayed on the next three Tuesdays, the last on the day of the lecture. The church already has an hour’s time slot Tuesdays 1.00 – 2.00p.m. The station kindly inserted their recording of the Lecturer’s interview between the Sentinel Radio and The Bible Lesson. Spot advertisements were also played throughout the days in the three week period before the lecture.
The radio station later advised that weekly hits on its website, for the Christian Science Programme, for the four weeks up to 7 April (the date of our lecture) were 185+138+166+391. The committee was delighted with these results and most grateful for the cooperation from the management when making arrangements for the interview and replays.
From the start we were encouraged by Elise:
* to pray about each step before taking it
* to recognise that the Christ is active in, and attractive to, each individual in Perth;
* and to destroy the counter suggestions of animal magnetism.
All members were invited to participate in this metaphysical work and a special roster of volunteers was organised to cover all aspects between 20 February and 23 April 2009. Messages received from the Lecturer and shared with members of the prayer roster, plus the Preparatory Meeting held by Elise the day before the lecture provided additional impetus to this work.
1,000 flyers were handed or sent to all members to use as personal invitations and for display in libraries and other public places. Flyers were also sent to Family Support centres at seven prisons.
We decided not to use any newspaper advertisements as we had done in the past, but instead to focus on the following ideas suggested by Elise, which we used for the first time:
As our main advertising activity, an advertisement was placed on Face Book three weeks before the lecture. The advertisement appeared 1,406,313 times on Perth-based Face Book sites and was linked to a flyer advertising the lecture, displayed on the special events page on the church’s website. The Face Book advertisement read, “God is Speaking to You” followed by a photo of a lion lying down with a lamb, and then the words: “come hear a talk on how others have tuned in and found freedom and healing.”
648 visitors to these Face Book sites found this advertisement of sufficient interest to click on it and be connected to the church’s special events page. The ideas and expertise of two new committee members in organising this are greatly appreciated.
Also for the first time, we sent to members, who had agreed to help in this way, an email suitable for forwarding to friends and acquaintances, attaching a flyer advertising the lecture, and giving details of how to access Radio Fremantle’s website for a preview of the lecture, provided in the Lecturer’s radio interview.
Whilst we have received little direct information on what brought each one in, the total attendance and the number of visitors were substantially more than for other recent lectures.
Found Full Text
Lots of healings from the God is Speaking to You lecture in Perth. They are posted on the other blogs, but I'm putting this experience here.
The third person expressed gratitude for the Lecture and for the encouragement to listen to God for guidance to find a lost Full Text Quarterly which had been missing for about 10 days. The testifier was sitting in his car about the leave for church and asked to be shown where it was. He felt impelled to look in the glove compartment in front of him – and there it was.
The third person expressed gratitude for the Lecture and for the encouragement to listen to God for guidance to find a lost Full Text Quarterly which had been missing for about 10 days. The testifier was sitting in his car about the leave for church and asked to be shown where it was. He felt impelled to look in the glove compartment in front of him – and there it was.
Thursday, 21 May 2009
Ocala FL feedback
Lecture planning began in August 2008. At the recommendation of a church member, Elise Moore was contacted and accepted our request. Her guidance, suggestions, and instructions were extraordinary. Her focus of being mindful of this being directed to the public and not necessarily to Christian Scientists was magnificent. I appreciated this as did many members of our church.
As the Sunday School supt I was especially happy when some of my kids showed up at the lecture. The next day in Sunday School. they enthusiastically told others in total detail about the saving and healing results of listening and obeying when God is speaking to you! The ideas shared by Elise at our prep meeting was like a day in Class. Not all members attended but those that did, love it. We had a prerecorded live interview on the local radio station. Attendance at the lecture was close to 150; many were new faces. Foud copies of Science and Health were taken as well as many of the Journals and Sentinels and all of the copies of Elise's articles that had been copied for distribution.
- Donna
As the Sunday School supt I was especially happy when some of my kids showed up at the lecture. The next day in Sunday School. they enthusiastically told others in total detail about the saving and healing results of listening and obeying when God is speaking to you! The ideas shared by Elise at our prep meeting was like a day in Class. Not all members attended but those that did, love it. We had a prerecorded live interview on the local radio station. Attendance at the lecture was close to 150; many were new faces. Foud copies of Science and Health were taken as well as many of the Journals and Sentinels and all of the copies of Elise's articles that had been copied for distribution.
- Donna
Tangible being
Wanted to tell you this: As I was driving down to the dentist the other day it wasn't a mortal body sitting in that car but QUALITIES, just qualities, my real being, and I have never experienced that so vividly before. Thanks for your work and I WAS able to get thru all the errands. Much love, June
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
Gold Coast attendance
We had increased the seating from 70 to 80 seats. There were 9 members
of the church in attendance and 10 of our congregation of non-members
plus 5 visiting Christian Scientists - total of 24 people, the balance
in attendance were newcomers. I think David counted 50. So that's about 26 newcomers.
Thank you again for your enlightening lecture. We hope you enjoyed Australia (even though you did not get to see much of it, you were so busy doing God's work).
Gratefully, Love June
of the church in attendance and 10 of our congregation of non-members
plus 5 visiting Christian Scientists - total of 24 people, the balance
in attendance were newcomers. I think David counted 50. So that's about 26 newcomers.
Thank you again for your enlightening lecture. We hope you enjoyed Australia (even though you did not get to see much of it, you were so busy doing God's work).
Gratefully, Love June
Thank you from Portsmouth VA
On behalf of the membership of First Church of Christ, Scientist Portsmouth VA, we would like to thank you again for your recent lecture in our city. We were very pleased with the attendance at the lecture and are sure much inspiration was received from your talk. We also would like to thank you for the preparatory meeting. We all walked away from that meeting feeling we definitely got 'two lectures for the price of one'. You have given us lots of wonderful study points to improve spiritual healing.
Thank you again.
Thank you again.
More feedback from Gold Coast Australia
Everyone at Church was very appreciative of both your workshop and the lecture, gaining much from both attendances. There has been more harmony and loving within our congregation which is great.
We did more metaphysical work for your lecture than we have done in the past - due to your emailing metaphysical ideas to work with, which was passed on promptly and the printed information you sent which was copied and given to every one who came to church, members and non-members alike.
The feedback on the night of the lecture was very good. People hovered around asking questions before going home. A married couple bought two Science & Health - they said they needed one each. The lady also asked for one of Mrs Eddy's books to be held for her in the Reading Room which she has since picked up.
We didn't sell very many Science & Healths, 5, and one Bible. People gladly took the bags we had with Journals, Sentinels (with our name, address and phone number) information about our church, plus information of another Christian Science Church in Wynnum, who were having a lecture the next week.
One lady who attended the lecture followed up with a visit to Wynnum and now attends there. We have a gentleman who couldn't get to the lecture but has come to church a few times since.
With much gratitude for your work for us.
Love June
We did more metaphysical work for your lecture than we have done in the past - due to your emailing metaphysical ideas to work with, which was passed on promptly and the printed information you sent which was copied and given to every one who came to church, members and non-members alike.
The feedback on the night of the lecture was very good. People hovered around asking questions before going home. A married couple bought two Science & Health - they said they needed one each. The lady also asked for one of Mrs Eddy's books to be held for her in the Reading Room which she has since picked up.
We didn't sell very many Science & Healths, 5, and one Bible. People gladly took the bags we had with Journals, Sentinels (with our name, address and phone number) information about our church, plus information of another Christian Science Church in Wynnum, who were having a lecture the next week.
One lady who attended the lecture followed up with a visit to Wynnum and now attends there. We have a gentleman who couldn't get to the lecture but has come to church a few times since.
With much gratitude for your work for us.
Love June
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
Fresh way of announcing readings
The readings I have been working on through this week (to be read when Mind so instructs) are on newness. How beautifully they came together. I titled them, “Eternal Newness” but then had a further idea of how to speak about them when the time comes. I thought I might say, “The readings for this coming Wednesday will take a closer look at the Bible passage, ‘all things are become new’”. The idea of “becoming” new was the starting point for these readings.
Thanks for your supportive thought in our recent conversation.
Thanks for your supportive thought in our recent conversation.
Dunedin NZ progress
Thank you for your lecture and enthusing our members in the lecture preparation meeting. We have held some Friday evening meetings sharing the Bible and how it has helped us in our daily life. Some people from the lecture have turned up and shared what they had learned. The tools you left with us are being used and have shown up in some testimonies. You left us with plenty of spiritual food.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Monday, 11 May 2009
Mother's Day and before
Catching up, Dave and I had a lovely lunch with Janie and Julie. Julie had just returned from a pilgrimage to Jordan and Jerusalem. She did the 12 stations of the cross. Says there is a book about it. If,when we go, I'd like to get that book and do the same. She also had an Armenian monk lead their group several stories below the usual level of the main church to see an ancient carving of a ceremonial boat. Sounded fabulous. They saw the pillar of salt that was Lot's wife, the baptism site of Jesus in Jordan, Lot's cave, the site of Sodom and Gomorrah at the end of the current Dead Sea. She gave me the email address and name of their guide. Someday we'd like to go back to Jordan and just see all the Biblical sites, see more of the Christian mosaics in Madaba,and more of the Saracen and Christian crusader castles. Jordan is a fabulous place. In a couple years an Roman site where two armies stayed should be open to the public. It's along the King's Highway. We saw the site and their work on it.
We've been eating outside in the heat. Love it. But no one has been out until Sunday night when Stacey sprayed me with water over the wall. Missed the computer though. So we talked about NYC for awhile and enjoyed visiting. Also enjoyed lunch after church with Joe and Jean, Anne and Jim. Didn't talk about anything important, mainly Dave's cooking secrets and Jim's starting a new chapter of the Optimist club in Marana.
Writing the address is going so well, thank you Father. A quarter done and on track for the goal of first draft by May 20. Original goal was 1400 words per day. But couldn't write for 2 days because of practice and busyness with errands and tasks. Bought Dave a new min-computer for $50. Steal of the century and he loves it! Praise God. He was resisting it before. Now he has his own internet connection anywhere in the US through ATT, and it is small enough that he can throw it into his carryon and take it with him without taking up too much room. Anyway, now the goal is 1600 words per day to make deadline. Did that Sunday, amazing since so much going on. But God is good and obviously God has things that must be said in this address.
We've been eating outside in the heat. Love it. But no one has been out until Sunday night when Stacey sprayed me with water over the wall. Missed the computer though. So we talked about NYC for awhile and enjoyed visiting. Also enjoyed lunch after church with Joe and Jean, Anne and Jim. Didn't talk about anything important, mainly Dave's cooking secrets and Jim's starting a new chapter of the Optimist club in Marana.
Writing the address is going so well, thank you Father. A quarter done and on track for the goal of first draft by May 20. Original goal was 1400 words per day. But couldn't write for 2 days because of practice and busyness with errands and tasks. Bought Dave a new min-computer for $50. Steal of the century and he loves it! Praise God. He was resisting it before. Now he has his own internet connection anywhere in the US through ATT, and it is small enough that he can throw it into his carryon and take it with him without taking up too much room. Anyway, now the goal is 1600 words per day to make deadline. Did that Sunday, amazing since so much going on. But God is good and obviously God has things that must be said in this address.
Friday, 8 May 2009
Georgia's healing and NYC lecture
Dear Elise,
Can you imagine my joy opening the new May Christian Science Journal, right after our uplifting Sunday workshop and Monday night powerful lecture and then the extra gift of sharing supper and thoughts at the little Italian restaurnat (attended by the kind waiter, DAvid) and finding your wonderful "Up to Speed" experience about your car engine and church?!
Your words, "Church as a spiritual idea is a holy power permeating individual lives, transforming, saving and healing them." was exactly what you lifted me to focusing on. I am so grateful. Our church is so grateful.
You are a holy warrior for the goodness and power of God and the innocence of man. And the prayer that backed up both Sunday afternoon and Monday evening at our church is still being tangible felt by all of us.
I didn't realize until I went to bed last Monday night, after we'd parted in the rain, that I'd been freed of a crook in the neck that had kept me from turning my head to the right for about a week.
And on Wednesday night we had three people in church who had attended the lecture. One man got up and said it was the most spiritual and practical talk on prayer he had ever heard. He expressed profound gratitude for it.
And yesterday, Sunday, six people who'd never attended our church service showed up as well as about five attendees who only come once in a blue moon. That doubled our usual attendance (since the controversial church decision happened). I know the numbers isn't the thing to focus on! It's the feeling of fresh possibilities. Thank you.
Only two days hearing you speak and you left a profound inspiration on my life. I'll never forget.
And you've given fresh courage to a small gand of church workers in New York City.
With love,
Can you imagine my joy opening the new May Christian Science Journal, right after our uplifting Sunday workshop and Monday night powerful lecture and then the extra gift of sharing supper and thoughts at the little Italian restaurnat (attended by the kind waiter, DAvid) and finding your wonderful "Up to Speed" experience about your car engine and church?!
Your words, "Church as a spiritual idea is a holy power permeating individual lives, transforming, saving and healing them." was exactly what you lifted me to focusing on. I am so grateful. Our church is so grateful.
You are a holy warrior for the goodness and power of God and the innocence of man. And the prayer that backed up both Sunday afternoon and Monday evening at our church is still being tangible felt by all of us.
I didn't realize until I went to bed last Monday night, after we'd parted in the rain, that I'd been freed of a crook in the neck that had kept me from turning my head to the right for about a week.
And on Wednesday night we had three people in church who had attended the lecture. One man got up and said it was the most spiritual and practical talk on prayer he had ever heard. He expressed profound gratitude for it.
And yesterday, Sunday, six people who'd never attended our church service showed up as well as about five attendees who only come once in a blue moon. That doubled our usual attendance (since the controversial church decision happened). I know the numbers isn't the thing to focus on! It's the feeling of fresh possibilities. Thank you.
Only two days hearing you speak and you left a profound inspiration on my life. I'll never forget.
And you've given fresh courage to a small gand of church workers in New York City.
With love,
Thursday, 7 May 2009
Healings before Rockville MD lecture
We are so grateful to you for connecting with our community in a direct, healing way.
The weeks leading up to the lecture were a challenge to me personally. My son and his wife were healed of measles through spiritual means, but we experienced the greater challenge of the medical community and the media after it was over and my son went back to work. His boss wanted him to be checked out by a doctor, who sent him to the hospital for tests.
(My son's wife flew under the radar and never had to be checked.) After keeping him overnight and running myriad tests, four days later the doctors determined he had had measles and was no longer contagious. But they interviewed him intensively about all his movements from the day before he felt sick and then publicized all the locations in the press and on television. He was the "fourth case" in the area, although they were unrelated. I am grateful for the privacy rules, so that it wasn't reported where he lived, why he wasn't vaccinated, and even "nationality undetermined." For weeks, I continued to know that my son was not a threat to anyone, but a blessing, and he always has been.
On Monday before the lecture, I awoke with a stabbing pain in one eye and it was watering so much it was difficult to drive to work to teach my morning class. A practitioner helped me out, and I was able to do it, and by afternoon I was well again.
Praying my way through these things and other troubling issues, I could see that animal magnetism couldn't put a stop to presenting our gift to the community, even a biotech, medicalized, NIH-oriented community. I'm sending this as early fruitage.
We are having a meeting tomorrow after church to gather the rest and hope to have it to you soon. Again, we thank you for coming!Love,Lynn
The weeks leading up to the lecture were a challenge to me personally. My son and his wife were healed of measles through spiritual means, but we experienced the greater challenge of the medical community and the media after it was over and my son went back to work. His boss wanted him to be checked out by a doctor, who sent him to the hospital for tests.
(My son's wife flew under the radar and never had to be checked.) After keeping him overnight and running myriad tests, four days later the doctors determined he had had measles and was no longer contagious. But they interviewed him intensively about all his movements from the day before he felt sick and then publicized all the locations in the press and on television. He was the "fourth case" in the area, although they were unrelated. I am grateful for the privacy rules, so that it wasn't reported where he lived, why he wasn't vaccinated, and even "nationality undetermined." For weeks, I continued to know that my son was not a threat to anyone, but a blessing, and he always has been.
On Monday before the lecture, I awoke with a stabbing pain in one eye and it was watering so much it was difficult to drive to work to teach my morning class. A practitioner helped me out, and I was able to do it, and by afternoon I was well again.
Praying my way through these things and other troubling issues, I could see that animal magnetism couldn't put a stop to presenting our gift to the community, even a biotech, medicalized, NIH-oriented community. I'm sending this as early fruitage.
We are having a meeting tomorrow after church to gather the rest and hope to have it to you soon. Again, we thank you for coming!Love,Lynn
Melbourne FL youth
We have been moving along wonderfully. We established a campership fund in the church. We have two new students that their grandmother who is a member has started to bring. They have a good Christian background and are asking all sorts of great questions. They are in the Junior High class. Their grandmother told me that she was planning on not coming to church and called her daughter, their niece, to see if they wanted to go to Sunday School and they said YES.
My thoughts about Reading Room
Sometimes the Reading Room becomes more of a symbol more than an activity. Moving the Reading Room into the church or in this case the Sunday School is perceived as a retrenchment rather than progress. But, if I were there, I would say the following.
Reading Room is an individual expression of ideas manifested by the members. To me this means that each member is responsible for fulfilling the activities of Reading Room ie selling and exhibiting Science and Health, other works by Mrs. Eddy and the publications of The Christian Science Publishing Society. If each member would pray about how they could individually exhibit and sell a copy of Science and Health each month, and other publications of CSPS we would have more than 50 Reading Room locations all around the city and surrounding communities!
I have often wondered if spending money for a downtown Reading Room location hasn’t been a substitute for individual involvement and willingness to bring Science and Health (and our other publications) to the notice of the public. True, strangers are led by God to find the Reading Room and the healing Christ presented in the publications. But how many new people actually come into the Reading Room in a month? Are we really reaching the hundreds of thousands of spiritually minded people in Nashville and surrounding communities? Are we really supporting The Mother Church and The Christian Science Publishing Society financially or are we giving our church’s money to local building owners?
To risk being perceived as blunt, over a half dozen of our foreign language Heralds have now been discontinued this year, and the remaining language Heralds will be discontinued if there isn’t a reverse in the subscription rate. The Spanish Full Text and Spanish Herald are at imminent risk of being discontinued due to lack of subscriptions. I am intimately involved in prayer, conversation and action to support the existence of these Spanish publications to support the rapidly growing Spanish field. It is incongruous to me that literally hundreds of newcomers come to Spanish lectures and yet there soon might not be Spanish language publications to support their interest and continuing study.
If our church moved the Reading Room into the Sunday School, put suitable signage both at Hillsboro and at the drive leading to the Sunday School building why wouldn’t God lead the newcomer to this new location for Reading Room? Our building is passed by thousands of cars daily and is at a freeway exit used by visitors to Nashville. With correct signage a Reading Room at this location is very well located.
If each member committed to exhibiting Science and Health in their car, workplace and strove to sell one copy a month to others, if this church purchased subscriptions to the periodicals and used them to introduce newcomers to Christian Science wouldn’t we be more directly supporting the mission and purpose of Reading Room, supporting the survival of the periodicals and supporting The Mother Church?
I’m not in favor of giving one more penny of the branch church’s money for building rental when that money is so desperately needed for the survival of periodicals which are the future of our movement. If our branch church took just $1000 to buy Spanish Herald subscriptions and Spanish Full Text and another $1000 to purchase Science and Healths for distribution/sale to newcomers it would do more to promote the real purpose of Reading Room than paying rent to a building manager.
I vote to move the Reading Room into the Sunday School building. I propose that the branch church spend $1000 for Spanish Herald subscriptions and Spanish Full Text subscriptions, using them to introduce new individuals each month to Christian Science. I propose that the branch church spend $1000 for copies of Science and Health to be sold/distributed by members to newcomers. I propose that each member become a Reading Room attendant in their daily life, exhibit and strive to sell one Science and Health a month, and strive to overcome the resistance of mortal mind that says it is someone else’s job to present Christian Science to the world.
No amount of money spent can substitute the individual effort required to silence the animal magnetism that would hide Christian Science. We need to move Reading Room out of downtown and into an active lively expression in our daily lives.
Reading Room is an individual expression of ideas manifested by the members. To me this means that each member is responsible for fulfilling the activities of Reading Room ie selling and exhibiting Science and Health, other works by Mrs. Eddy and the publications of The Christian Science Publishing Society. If each member would pray about how they could individually exhibit and sell a copy of Science and Health each month, and other publications of CSPS we would have more than 50 Reading Room locations all around the city and surrounding communities!
I have often wondered if spending money for a downtown Reading Room location hasn’t been a substitute for individual involvement and willingness to bring Science and Health (and our other publications) to the notice of the public. True, strangers are led by God to find the Reading Room and the healing Christ presented in the publications. But how many new people actually come into the Reading Room in a month? Are we really reaching the hundreds of thousands of spiritually minded people in Nashville and surrounding communities? Are we really supporting The Mother Church and The Christian Science Publishing Society financially or are we giving our church’s money to local building owners?
To risk being perceived as blunt, over a half dozen of our foreign language Heralds have now been discontinued this year, and the remaining language Heralds will be discontinued if there isn’t a reverse in the subscription rate. The Spanish Full Text and Spanish Herald are at imminent risk of being discontinued due to lack of subscriptions. I am intimately involved in prayer, conversation and action to support the existence of these Spanish publications to support the rapidly growing Spanish field. It is incongruous to me that literally hundreds of newcomers come to Spanish lectures and yet there soon might not be Spanish language publications to support their interest and continuing study.
If our church moved the Reading Room into the Sunday School, put suitable signage both at Hillsboro and at the drive leading to the Sunday School building why wouldn’t God lead the newcomer to this new location for Reading Room? Our building is passed by thousands of cars daily and is at a freeway exit used by visitors to Nashville. With correct signage a Reading Room at this location is very well located.
If each member committed to exhibiting Science and Health in their car, workplace and strove to sell one copy a month to others, if this church purchased subscriptions to the periodicals and used them to introduce newcomers to Christian Science wouldn’t we be more directly supporting the mission and purpose of Reading Room, supporting the survival of the periodicals and supporting The Mother Church?
I’m not in favor of giving one more penny of the branch church’s money for building rental when that money is so desperately needed for the survival of periodicals which are the future of our movement. If our branch church took just $1000 to buy Spanish Herald subscriptions and Spanish Full Text and another $1000 to purchase Science and Healths for distribution/sale to newcomers it would do more to promote the real purpose of Reading Room than paying rent to a building manager.
I vote to move the Reading Room into the Sunday School building. I propose that the branch church spend $1000 for Spanish Herald subscriptions and Spanish Full Text subscriptions, using them to introduce new individuals each month to Christian Science. I propose that the branch church spend $1000 for copies of Science and Health to be sold/distributed by members to newcomers. I propose that each member become a Reading Room attendant in their daily life, exhibit and strive to sell one Science and Health a month, and strive to overcome the resistance of mortal mind that says it is someone else’s job to present Christian Science to the world.
No amount of money spent can substitute the individual effort required to silence the animal magnetism that would hide Christian Science. We need to move Reading Room out of downtown and into an active lively expression in our daily lives.
Newark DE feedback
I posted Susan's email on Wider World, but removed some comments that would be considered not appropriate for the public setting of that blog. But in keeping with my commitment to acknowledging and preserving gratitude, here they are....
The Wednesday night lecture preparation meeting was a beautiful gift to our church. It helped uplift the thought of everyone who attended. Everyone I’ve spoken to about it has been effusive in their appreciation of the wonderfully useful ideas (the five arguments of animal magnetism and their refutation; mental quackery!) Elise shared with us. Many people compared it in its power and usefulness to their annual Association meeting.
Elise’s lecture preparatory meeting and talk are gifts that keep on giving, and they were so beautifully expressive of God’s great love for each and every one of His children. I am very grateful for all the good that has unfolded from her visit, and know that it will continue to bear fruit!
The Wednesday night lecture preparation meeting was a beautiful gift to our church. It helped uplift the thought of everyone who attended. Everyone I’ve spoken to about it has been effusive in their appreciation of the wonderfully useful ideas (the five arguments of animal magnetism and their refutation; mental quackery!) Elise shared with us. Many people compared it in its power and usefulness to their annual Association meeting.
Elise’s lecture preparatory meeting and talk are gifts that keep on giving, and they were so beautifully expressive of God’s great love for each and every one of His children. I am very grateful for all the good that has unfolded from her visit, and know that it will continue to bear fruit!
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
Newark DE thank you
Thank you so much for coming to Newark and delivering such an excellent Lecture Preparatory Meeting and Lecture. Our whole church and community have been greatly blessed with much healing. (Please see the letter by Susan, a member of the lecture committee.) The church members who attended the Lecture Preparatory Meeting all said how much the ideas that you shared helped them.
Everyone was also very enthusiastic about the Lecture and felt inspired by it. I know that the truths and healings that you shared in the talk are continuing to bless our church and community. We're grateful that so many newcomers came to hear about Christian Science for the first time and had such a positive experience.
Thank you for all the consecrated prayers you do to make the lectures so successful. Love,Sandra
Everyone was also very enthusiastic about the Lecture and felt inspired by it. I know that the truths and healings that you shared in the talk are continuing to bless our church and community. We're grateful that so many newcomers came to hear about Christian Science for the first time and had such a positive experience.
Thank you for all the consecrated prayers you do to make the lectures so successful. Love,Sandra
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
Ocala FL lecture
About 150 people gathered in a beautiful auditorium with perhaps 15 newcomers and six children. Two children were the first to talk with me afterward. One little girl of 7 was quite taken with the talk. I heard later that she is very spiritually minded and applies spiritual ideas in healing on the family farm. Once when a group of bulls escaped from their enclosure and the adults scattered in fear, she scooped up a handful of feed, walked past a bull and holding out the feed quietly called, “Here bully bully.” Walking slowing toward the enclosure, the bulls followed her meekly.
Two people told me stories of listening to God and being protected. One man told of a friend who had heard God tell them to move, and right after doing so a sheet of ice and snow fell off a roof over the spot they had been standing. Another woman told of being kept safe in a theater situation similar to mine when she was young.
Other people told me that they had heard God telling them to come to this talk, and had done so. One man drove two hours from Orlando because he was impelled by God to attend. Another man said he’d recently returned to Christian Science after 60 years and this was his first lecture.
A woman drove from Orlando to tell me that she had been healed at the Longwood/Orlando lecture. She said she was going to call me to pray for her, but after the talk realized she had been healed.
Two people told me stories of listening to God and being protected. One man told of a friend who had heard God tell them to move, and right after doing so a sheet of ice and snow fell off a roof over the spot they had been standing. Another woman told of being kept safe in a theater situation similar to mine when she was young.
Other people told me that they had heard God telling them to come to this talk, and had done so. One man drove two hours from Orlando because he was impelled by God to attend. Another man said he’d recently returned to Christian Science after 60 years and this was his first lecture.
A woman drove from Orlando to tell me that she had been healed at the Longwood/Orlando lecture. She said she was going to call me to pray for her, but after the talk realized she had been healed.
Ocala FL
About 150 people gathered in a beautiful auditorium with perhaps 15 newcomers and six children. Two children were the first to talk with me afterward. One little girl of 7 was quite taken with the talk. I heard later that she is very spiritually minded and applies spiritual ideas in healing on the family farm. Once when a group of bulls escaped from their enclosure and the adults scattered in fear, she scooped up a handful of feed, walked past a bull and holding out the feed quietly called, “Here bully bully.” Walking slowing toward the enclosure, the bulls followed her meekly.
Two people told me stories of listening to God and being protected. One man told of a friend who had heard God tell them to move, and right after doing so a sheet of ice and snow fell off a roof over the spot they had been standing. Another woman told of being kept safe in a theater situation similar to mine when she was young.
Other people told me that they had heard God telling them to come to this talk, and had done so. They were glad they had. One man drove two hours from Orlando because he was impelled by God to attend. Another man said he’d recently returned to Christian Science after 60 years and this was his first lecture. He’d heard ideas that were helpful. A woman drove from Orlando to tell me that she had been healed at the Longwood/Orlando lecture. She said she was going to call me to pray for her, but after the talk realized she had been healed.
Several visitors took notes and told me afterward how much they enjoyed the talk. Others mentioned the atmosphere of love which they felt. All the articles they had Xeroxed were taken and four Science & Healths were given to newcomers.
Some friends from my childhood attended, a dear couple who were close friends of my parents. It was a special joy to visit with them afterwards. I met a man who had been a major influence in my life and that I hadn’t seen in over 30 years. We’d met at a youth meeting where we’d gone to Sunday School and sat together at some of the sessions. He’d gone through primary class at age 16, and that had greatly impressed me. At the time, I’d thought class was for people over 20 or when they graduated from college. His experience, and that he still attended Sunday School, had completely changed my thought and motivated me to take class the following summer. It was delightful to meet him and thank him for his positive influence. I’d like to get his facebook or email address and keep in touch.
Ocala has a growing and active Sunday School. After the lecture, a few of us talked in the parking lot about Wednesday night being “Family Night” and having a more youthful atmosphere. A member of Winter Park was quite taken with the idea and said she’d take that idea to her church. Ocala folks considered how they might include children in their Wednesday services.
Two people told me stories of listening to God and being protected. One man told of a friend who had heard God tell them to move, and right after doing so a sheet of ice and snow fell off a roof over the spot they had been standing. Another woman told of being kept safe in a theater situation similar to mine when she was young.
Other people told me that they had heard God telling them to come to this talk, and had done so. They were glad they had. One man drove two hours from Orlando because he was impelled by God to attend. Another man said he’d recently returned to Christian Science after 60 years and this was his first lecture. He’d heard ideas that were helpful. A woman drove from Orlando to tell me that she had been healed at the Longwood/Orlando lecture. She said she was going to call me to pray for her, but after the talk realized she had been healed.
Several visitors took notes and told me afterward how much they enjoyed the talk. Others mentioned the atmosphere of love which they felt. All the articles they had Xeroxed were taken and four Science & Healths were given to newcomers.
Some friends from my childhood attended, a dear couple who were close friends of my parents. It was a special joy to visit with them afterwards. I met a man who had been a major influence in my life and that I hadn’t seen in over 30 years. We’d met at a youth meeting where we’d gone to Sunday School and sat together at some of the sessions. He’d gone through primary class at age 16, and that had greatly impressed me. At the time, I’d thought class was for people over 20 or when they graduated from college. His experience, and that he still attended Sunday School, had completely changed my thought and motivated me to take class the following summer. It was delightful to meet him and thank him for his positive influence. I’d like to get his facebook or email address and keep in touch.
Ocala has a growing and active Sunday School. After the lecture, a few of us talked in the parking lot about Wednesday night being “Family Night” and having a more youthful atmosphere. A member of Winter Park was quite taken with the idea and said she’d take that idea to her church. Ocala folks considered how they might include children in their Wednesday services.
Rio Rancho
This was one too many lectures. I was done in after the whole sequel leading up to Ocala. And then I stayed outside at an outdoor restaurant bar until 9pm because I felt like relaxing and picked up a bit of a cold which wasn't noticed by Rio Rancho, but just added an element I didn't need. Prayer works though. Every time I woke up last night I thought about the phrase, "man has dominion over the earth." Very helpful.
Anyway, here I am at the airport and really glad this lecture year is over. I'm not wanting to do any long tours next year. And I'm going to watch how long I'm away from home before touching base with Dave. I just want an easier schedule after 4 pretty grueling years.
That said, the Rio Rancho people were pleased. They were talking about inviting me back and actually wanted to schedule something. But I wouldn't have that, until Annual Meeting and the announcement of lecturers.
Albuquerque is beautiful. Prettier than I remembered. If I come here again I'd like Dave to be with me and go up the tram together. The mountains looked beautiful but it's not fun doing it alone. I spent an hour at a local park, Kitt Carson park, along the Rio Grande just soaking in the sun. There was a woodpecker in the tree above me. I think a Downy, but I'll have to check the bird book when I get home.
Anyway, here I am at the airport and really glad this lecture year is over. I'm not wanting to do any long tours next year. And I'm going to watch how long I'm away from home before touching base with Dave. I just want an easier schedule after 4 pretty grueling years.
That said, the Rio Rancho people were pleased. They were talking about inviting me back and actually wanted to schedule something. But I wouldn't have that, until Annual Meeting and the announcement of lecturers.
Albuquerque is beautiful. Prettier than I remembered. If I come here again I'd like Dave to be with me and go up the tram together. The mountains looked beautiful but it's not fun doing it alone. I spent an hour at a local park, Kitt Carson park, along the Rio Grande just soaking in the sun. There was a woodpecker in the tree above me. I think a Downy, but I'll have to check the bird book when I get home.
Saturday, 2 May 2009
Feedback Spanish Lecture Rockville MD
Thank you so much for your comments! I am so grateful to hear that you felt it went well. And I am happy that you were redirecting folks to the "locals" for connections.
I have only spoken with Juan so far and he was just bubbling with how wonderful it was. He is a new member at our church and recently went through Class with his wife. He has shared some wonderful testimonies as he has embraced Science and prays for folks in El Salvador who can on him for help. I know he was happy to talk with people and said we should have had more copies of Ciencia & Salud there. I know our church will be willing to make those available there, if that seems right.
I did stop by about 11 today when I got back in town to ask the head how it was and he was very positive. I saw S&H on his desk and the secretary and many others with Heraldos. It was lovely to see this CS presence all over the Center! It almost felt like a Reading Room.
- Ann
I have only spoken with Juan so far and he was just bubbling with how wonderful it was. He is a new member at our church and recently went through Class with his wife. He has shared some wonderful testimonies as he has embraced Science and prays for folks in El Salvador who can on him for help. I know he was happy to talk with people and said we should have had more copies of Ciencia & Salud there. I know our church will be willing to make those available there, if that seems right.
I did stop by about 11 today when I got back in town to ask the head how it was and he was very positive. I saw S&H on his desk and the secretary and many others with Heraldos. It was lovely to see this CS presence all over the Center! It almost felt like a Reading Room.
- Ann
Plans for DC Spanish
I'm really hoping that those involved in the Spanish lecture follow up.....
Thank you Elise. I will share this with our Spanish Committee and see what they can do on a regular basis. I will be in touch with June and Lynn about all this and we will move forward. I know our church is open to new ideas and I have thought about having SS elsewhere than at the church or even exactly the time of the church. It could certainly be when and wherever it works for those who wish to attend.
Our Heraldo programs in our Reading Room really serve as a way to launch dialogue. I don't think the gatherings have been less than 90 minutes and the radio program is only 30 minutes of that. The attendees always wish to share or ask questions. I know Juan is ready to do what he can. He so appreicated being there with you yesterday.
I know our membership has been more aware over the past few years of the lecture as a piece in a continuing relationship with the community and seeing that it is not just an isolated event. We will work to continue building communication with the Spanish speakers that live in our neighborhood and continue to increase in number. THe Worker's Center is a wonderful connection we now have!
Thank you very much for sharing your experience below. It is always so valuable to hear what has worked for others and learn from that. And thanks for taking the time to write it all.
- Anne
Thank you Elise. I will share this with our Spanish Committee and see what they can do on a regular basis. I will be in touch with June and Lynn about all this and we will move forward. I know our church is open to new ideas and I have thought about having SS elsewhere than at the church or even exactly the time of the church. It could certainly be when and wherever it works for those who wish to attend.
Our Heraldo programs in our Reading Room really serve as a way to launch dialogue. I don't think the gatherings have been less than 90 minutes and the radio program is only 30 minutes of that. The attendees always wish to share or ask questions. I know Juan is ready to do what he can. He so appreicated being there with you yesterday.
I know our membership has been more aware over the past few years of the lecture as a piece in a continuing relationship with the community and seeing that it is not just an isolated event. We will work to continue building communication with the Spanish speakers that live in our neighborhood and continue to increase in number. THe Worker's Center is a wonderful connection we now have!
Thank you very much for sharing your experience below. It is always so valuable to hear what has worked for others and learn from that. And thanks for taking the time to write it all.
- Anne
Friday, 1 May 2009
Feedback from Rockville MD God speaking to you
As I further think about your talk, I want to tell you how grateful I am that my "takeaways" had to do more with the "higher mission/ emphatic purpose" of Christian Science, i.e., the healing of sin (and all that implies), not physical healing. (MBE is very clear about this in S&H and Rud. Divine Science). This (healing of sin) unfortunately, is not what CS is best known for. I'd love to see our pews filled with people who just want to know "God is Speaking to Them" and let all the rest come later.
PS Being out of CS for a number of years, and in mainstream Christianity, I learned much about core Christian teachings that were both new to me and not really what I'd learned about them as a CS.
While I understand your working through "evangelical" and "inerrancy of the Scriptures" for a CS group -- well, most non-CS folks I've met over the years have been very kind and gentle with us. However, some come down quite forcefully on some basic Christian teachings they feel we violate. I'd never have picked up on this without being in a very evangelical organization (Los Angeles Mission) for so many years. We had 13 chaplains, and I frequently had to remind them to think of the Good Samaritan parable before asking people if they had "accepted Jesus" and to remember 1 John re we can't even know God if we're not loving. I said this after hearing long and loud prayers and then seeing them criticize other staff, come in for work late, etc. And, their (and others) very low tolerance level for those who "claim to know Jesus but really don't." Fun times!
PS Being out of CS for a number of years, and in mainstream Christianity, I learned much about core Christian teachings that were both new to me and not really what I'd learned about them as a CS.
While I understand your working through "evangelical" and "inerrancy of the Scriptures" for a CS group -- well, most non-CS folks I've met over the years have been very kind and gentle with us. However, some come down quite forcefully on some basic Christian teachings they feel we violate. I'd never have picked up on this without being in a very evangelical organization (Los Angeles Mission) for so many years. We had 13 chaplains, and I frequently had to remind them to think of the Good Samaritan parable before asking people if they had "accepted Jesus" and to remember 1 John re we can't even know God if we're not loving. I said this after hearing long and loud prayers and then seeing them criticize other staff, come in for work late, etc. And, their (and others) very low tolerance level for those who "claim to know Jesus but really don't." Fun times!
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