Saturday, 2 May 2009

Plans for DC Spanish

I'm really hoping that those involved in the Spanish lecture follow up.....
Thank you Elise. I will share this with our Spanish Committee and see what they can do on a regular basis. I will be in touch with June and Lynn about all this and we will move forward. I know our church is open to new ideas and I have thought about having SS elsewhere than at the church or even exactly the time of the church. It could certainly be when and wherever it works for those who wish to attend.

Our Heraldo programs in our Reading Room really serve as a way to launch dialogue. I don't think the gatherings have been less than 90 minutes and the radio program is only 30 minutes of that. The attendees always wish to share or ask questions. I know Juan is ready to do what he can. He so appreicated being there with you yesterday.

I know our membership has been more aware over the past few years of the lecture as a piece in a continuing relationship with the community and seeing that it is not just an isolated event. We will work to continue building communication with the Spanish speakers that live in our neighborhood and continue to increase in number. THe Worker's Center is a wonderful connection we now have!

Thank you very much for sharing your experience below. It is always so valuable to hear what has worked for others and learn from that. And thanks for taking the time to write it all.
- Anne

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