Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Feedback from Perth

I'm not sure if a call I had last night around 9.30 was from someone who had attended the lecture or was as a result of the metaphysical work done in preparation. The caller obviously had some exposure to Christian Science and had many many questions. During the approx. one hour conversation we covered a lot of ground. Someone had given the caller Anne's and my name should she have any questions.

An update --- I have just had another session with my mystery caller. I still don't know if she attended the Lecture but she told me that she is a regular listener to Sentinel Radio and finds it most interesting.
- Rob via Sam

What a wonderful uplift you have given to us and to our church. The Lecture Committee are meeting next Thursday to gather together all the fruitage we have heard from the Lecture, and we’ll email you with the news, but in the meanwhile we just want you to know that everyone is overflowing with gratitude for all you have shared with us.
- Sam

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