Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Lecture prompted love

Thank you for your prayer for us at Hornsby Church and affirm God's Love for us. I certainly share your views of Divine Love as I have been so blessed by knowing more about my Maker. Your prayers have delivered inspiration to me with floodtides of love that enable me to genuinely care for others, a healing I needed, On that day, spontaneously I comforted with a big "bear" hug a fellow member in tears and today I called to tell my Mum how much I love her. I overheard my collegues (CEO & Manager) defended me when they were challenged by others speaking negatively about me and got a raise in wages for work well done! My thoughts went back to the days when I was a young child cherishing my innocence then, and I received a clear understanding, I Am Ageless, I only grow wiser and remaining innocent yet not naive. I then realise it is the state of consciousness of purity ( with child like trust) I had then, I still have it now as long as I cherish this beautiful state of mind knowing I am truly loved by God, always His beloved child in His eyes. What a beautiful daily supply of Grace to feed my famished affections. I am so blessed.

Thank You

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