Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Gold Coast lecture

Gold Coast Australia
Curing the Incurable
Sofitel Hotel
Thursday April 9, 2009

Total: 50
Newcomers: 12

The introducer had a beautiful healing the night before the lecture prep. She awoke in pain and worked through the night with inspiration from the metaphysical letters as well as other angel messages. She had her healing and was able to attend the lecture prep and do a lovely job introducing me.

Another healing was the weather. This is best described in the words of Debby, my admin assistant, who has been in touch with the lecture chair and is also First Reader of her branch church in Pennsylvania.

“Did June tell you about the challenging weather before you arrived?

I guess it was some time on Monday that I finally decided to listen to Mind’s prodding that I should change my readings for Wednesday. I had already announced the topic at our Sunday service, but in light of world and local events (earthquake, Obama’s trip and all the politics involved, N Korea testing bombs, Iraq and Afghanistan being heavily discussed and more) I felt impelled to change the topic to better address the climate of thought. The word “forces” kept coming to me as the underlying focus (ie forces of nature, of government, etc.), as if there are some kind of forces that are greater than omnipotence. Anyway, I finally decided to be obedient and started to write down or followed every idea that came. It took all of my spare time through Tuesday and right up to leaving for the Wednesday meeting. But, of course, it was done in time. Most of the citations were given to me in the exact order they needed to be delivered.

However, the part I wanted to share was that on Wednesday morning I received an email from June in which she mentioned that the “gale force winds and sleeting rain” had stopped. Needless to say, the word “force” instantly caught my attention and I realized that I had actually been praying right along with the Gold Coast group in support of your arrival and the success of the lecture. It is even at this moment a challenge to hold back the tears of joy I fell at seeing God’s hand in all we do.”

I want to add that when I arrived there was blue sky. On the day of the lecture there was no wind and no rain either before the lecture, during or after the lecture when people would be walking to their cars. The rain started after we had arrived at our hotel, a good hour or more after the end of the lecture.

Several visitors talked with me saying they belonged to a different church but found the ways to pray described in the lecture very helpful and they planned on utilizing them. Other visitors talked about specific problems and how the lecture answered their questions. A member mentioned that the visitor sitting next to him seemed perplexed by the lecture. However the person bought Science and Health, took literature, and said they would read it on their flight back to the US where they were from. I always find it interesting when people from the US find Christian Science in other countries.

There was a very special Wednesday evening testimony meeting directly after the lecture prep. Numerous testimonies of healing, how people came into Christian Science, and gratitude for the church. One man became quite emotional expressing gratitude for the love and friendship shown to him from church members. Instantly, members began encouraging him aloud, supporting him verbally, and another man moved to sit beside him. It was so touching it brought tears to my eyes. Although several of us were visitors, some coming for the lecture the next day, it was like a family gathering each sharing their inspiration and healings. Isn’t this what Mrs. Eddy might have had in mind for Wednesday evenings?

Four Science and Healths were sold and a fifth was given.

Another healing was of the thought of the lecture chair. She was so worried that no one would come to the lecture. Apparently they had had a lecture before with no visitors and few attendees. From the moment I landed and every time I was in the car with her, she voiced fear, gave excuses why no one would come, time of year, location, parking, etc etc. At each moment, I corrected this malpractice with the truth of being. Everyone was spiritually minded. Every day was a perfect day for a lecture. Every location was the perfect location. God was in charge, leading, guiding, and fulfilling, etc. After the lecture when the room was full of people, they had sold/given 5 Science and Healths, and had realized they had at least 12 visitors with several people who lived in the area but hadn’t attended church for a long time also in attendance, the lecture chair realized that her fears were ungrounded and that she should take the firm metaphysical foundation of truth. It was helpful I’m sure to others for this change of thought, as well as to herself.

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