Thursday 2 April 2009

New Plymouth feedback

We're the ones who should be thanking you putting on a great cracking pace - barnstorming us into action.

Sally in Perth said they are hiring two big whiteboards, so have a smile when you see the boards.

We had Colin and Helen Broadhead stay with us for a couple more days after the lecture. If you recall they were at the workshop, and had driven up from Wanganui. Helen is in the practice.

The day after the lecture they went into town and upon entering a store the attendant came up, and asked if they were visitors. They said yes, they were up from Wanganui. She then asked what brought them up. They said 'a Christian Science talk'. The attendant said, did you see that lady who just went out the door, a friend of mine. She went to it, and thought it was fabulous and was telling me all about it, and we are going to talk some more.'

So Day 1 and some fruitage :-)

Our love to Dave too. Sterling of him to keep you company, whizzing about. As I said earlier, it's normally the Navy you join to see the world.

Much good

Scott & Coreen

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