Sunday, 26 April 2009

Portsmouth VA

Portsmouth, VA
April 25, 2009
Curing the Incurable

The prayer and advertising which this church did clearly reached the receptive thought. One newcomer remarked on entering that she had read the ad but wasn’t going to come because she lived in another town. But, she added, she just felt impelled by God to attend. She got a Science and Health and Journal afterward.

A man from another city said basically the same. He was sitting in church and heard the announcement read. He heard a voice in his thoughts tell him to attend, so he did. He said the lecture addressed his specific needs.

A visiting couple had questions afterward including, How do you tell the difference between righteousness and self-righteousness. Good question. So we looked at p115-116 of Science & Health together. Righteousness is the moral and spiritual qualities in the second and third degrees (Scientific Translation of Mortal Mind). Self-righteousness is the first degree. We talked about motive and how judging the difference between right and wrong isn't the same as criticizing or judgmentalism. They took a Science and Health on their way out.

Of the 70 people attending about 15 were newcomers. All of the Journals and Monitors which the church obtained for the lecture were taken by visitors. Seven Science & Healths were taken as well.

One person began attending the branch church two weeks prior to the lecture. Church members saw his appearance as a result of the same prayer for the lecture, embracing the spiritually minded in the community. He attended both the lecture prep and the lecture, reading one of the Bible passages aloud during the lecture from the very fine New American Standard Bible which provided a clear and inspired rendition of the passage.

Christian Scientists from neighboring communities came along with more than half a dozen teens and children. One six year old sat in the front row and watched in rapt attention for most of the hour.

This is a branch church where men are not only active but lead. There is a unique energy and vitality when men lead a lecture committee. When I arrived at the library the seating needed to be turned 90 degrees. With no discussion and only a split second hesitation, the men turned the entire venue around in less than 5 minutes. Everyone agreed afterward that the second configuration permitted the audience to see and hear more easily. But the grace and good humor in which this task was accomplished, I shall always remember and cherish. It was a privilege to lecture for this church of spiritual thinkers and doers.

From an email right after the lecture....
I learned a lot from both presentations. I'm a very visual learner, and I appreciated having so much on the boards. Although I know I've heard most of your presentation before, sometimes it's helpful to boil things down to a few essentials. I'll copy those passages down for quick reference. My friend Anne loved the talk. Her mother was a member of the Portsmouth church, but Anne has not been a member (I don't think). She's my mother's best friend and is a dear person.

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