Friday, 17 April 2009

Healing results - Conroe TX lecture

"The lecture 'God is Speaking to Yu' has obviously touched everyone who heard it. From the Wednesday testimonial meetings where attendance has almost doubled, the testifiers were using the clear way expleained, how we listen - tune out, tune in, listen and obey; to the prison where this lecture was given on Saturday 1-17-09. Our next Christian Science service was on the first Saturday in February. There was more freedom of discussion (at the prison) and again those words - tune out the static, tune in to God good, listen and obey, as well as the testimonies that were shared by the lecturer.

Many members have said that they shared the testimonies shared in this talk with a number of people who also expressed how wonderful these ideas were that God really was talking to us all! It was such an inclusive idea, no boundaries of religion, age, gender or prisoners. All were included and they seemed to obviously feel it.

Also, it was expressed by most all of our church members that the prep meeting was excellent! We passed out outlines of the things to pray about daily and to handle animal magnetism for church. Also that church relates with the chapter 'Marriage' in Science and Health.

Our church had not had a public lecture for some time and had never had a prison lecture. They felt the public lecture was very well attended. We hd to add chairs and estimate attendance to have been close to 80. The prison lecture too was well attended with several new faces.

Because of how Elise shared this wonderful message of Truth I believe we all at the Conroe Church feel freer to go into the community as Christian soldiers.

- Lecture Committee
Carolyn chair

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