Friday, 24 April 2009

Lecture's healing power after lay off

Thank you very, very, very much for that wonderful lecture tonight. Familiar words, fresh ideas! I was nearly over my employment news from yesterday, with only a few questions and a few less-than-attractive thoughts that I just couldn't shake. As I listened to you talk tonight about the not-so-new concept of spiritualizing thought, some very new ideas of how to think about employment, administration, students and colleagues came to me, and I'm fairly sure that I'm now over yesterday's news. The talk about wandering around in the wilderness for 40 yrs was what pushed me off the tail end of my wilderness path, and thanks to that story, I'm already entering the promised land. I don't yet know what it looks like exactly, but I am basking in the promise of its glory. I don't know how to explain it any other way.

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